Dear all,
I hope this finds you well.
I have a question regarding the use of the FAST.Farm Python toolbox for simulating a wind farm with a 15 MW wind turbine. In the Python script titled ‘FASTFarmCaseCreation,’ there is a class method named ‘_setRotorParameters’ that defines parameters for the 10 MW and 12 MW wind turbines. However, it does not include parameters for the 15 MW turbine.
To run the toolbox for the 15 MW turbine, I manually defined the necessary parameters by adding lines 1165-1172 (in the attached screenshot) to this method. However, I am not certain about the accuracy of these values. Could you kindly confirm if the 15 MW turbine parameters I have defined are correct?
Screenshot of the modified ‘_setRotorParameters’ method:
You can find a table of rotor rpm, pitch, and other performance data in the excel file here. See the “Rotor Performance” tab.
Hello Garrett,
Thank you for your reply. Could you kindly recommend a source for ‘WaveHs’ and ‘WaveTp’ values as well?
Kind regards
Those values are based on site conditions (significant wave height and period) and are not rotor parameters. I cannot tell from your screenshot, but they definitely should not be tied to rotor rpm or pitch.
Thank you for your response. I understand that wave parameters are indeed related to wind speed and not to the other mentioned paramters. I was wondering if NREL provides default values for ‘WaveHs’ and ‘WaveTp’ corresponding to different wind speed values for the 15 MW turbine, similar to the values provided for the 10 MW and 12 MW turbines in the shared script. If such values are not available, I will proceed with using the ‘WaveHs’ and ‘WaveTp’ values provided for the 12 MW turbine.
In the design effort, we relied on this publication, which has a dataset that we included in this directory. I will stress again though, that the wave statistics will vary site-to-site.