Error with the FF wind array boundaries

Dear @Jundong.Wang,

The problem is that your TurbSim domain and FAST.Farm low- and high-resolution domains are not aligned. The TurbSim domain must fully encompass the low- and high-resolution domains defined within FAST.Farm (or better yet, the low- and high-resolution domains in FAST.Farm should be aligned with the TurbSim grid to avoid extra interpolations that will smooth out the ambient turbulence).

E.g., for the low-resolution domain in the Y direction, your domain extends from -450 to 440 m in steps of 10 m while your TurbSim domain extends from -500 to 500 m in steps of 4.016 m. This will not result in any warnings/errors, but the TurbSim domain is wider than it needs to be, and because the grid points are not aligned, the data will be interpolated, which will smooth out turbulence. For the low-resolution domain in the Z direction, your domain extends from 0 to 160 m in steps of 10 m while your TurbSim domain extends from 5 to 185 m (from your first TurbSim input file) in steps of 4.091 m. This will result in an error because your low-resolution domain is lower than your TurbSim domain, and again, the grid points are not aligned, resulting in smoothing of the inflow turbulence.

I recommend following the guidance for inflow wind generation found in the online FAST.Farm User’s Guide and Theory manual and to use the provided python scripts for generating inflow for FAST.Farm from TurbSim: Modeling Guidance — OpenFAST v3.3.0 documentation.

Best regards,