Hello everyone,
I am searching the environmental data of the site where OC3 Hywind (5 MW spar floater) is designed to (320 m depth).
In fact, i dont want to use data from sites not having 320 m depth in order to avoid re-designing the mooring system and the anchors.
Could anyone help me please ?
Best Regards,
Dear @Riad.Elhamoud,
The site conditions for the NREL 5-MW baseline wind turbine atop the OC3-Hywind spar were never specified. (Rather, the OC3-Hywind spar was based on data provided by Stotoil for their conceptual Hywind spar for a 5-MW turbine). You’ll have to make your own assumptions for your own purposes.
At 320-m water depth, I would not expect much influence of the water depth on waves.
Best regards,
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