Dear Sang.Le,
I’m sorry, but I’m not sure I understand. I’m assuming you are generated turbulent wind using TurbSim? In TurbSim, you specify IECturbc as either “A”, “B”, “C” or a TI in percent. You can’t specify both “A” and 8%.
Best regards,
Dear Sang.Le,
I’m sorry, but I’m not sure I understand. I’m assuming you are generated turbulent wind using TurbSim? In TurbSim, you specify IECturbc as either “A”, “B”, “C” or a TI in percent. You can’t specify both “A” and 8%.
Best regards,
Dear Jason,
I’m using TurbSim to simulate turbulent wind with “A”, “B”, “C” or TI%, respectively.
I know that I can’t specify both “A” and 8%.
my idea is when I ran FAST code with each IECturbc, the expected power of TI=8% will the highest.
But when I ran FAST code, the power of IECturbc=A is the highest. this is wrong.
Therefore, Where is my mistake in the FAST file?
Best regards
Dear Sang.Le,
An 8% TI is low–for the high turbulence level of category “A”, the TI never gets below 15% for the entire wind-speed operational range. Are you expecting less power with more turbulence?
Best regards,
Dear Jason,
Please help me. I ran FAST codde for 1.5 MW wind turbine.
I had parameters of 1.5MW WT from NREL.
However, my result showed OoPDefl1=0, but IPDefl1 has changed values.
Please expain to me.
Thank you very much for your help.
Have a nice weekend.
Dear Sang.Le,
The only way I can see that you would have IPDefl1 with no OoPDefl1 is if you’ve enabled the edgewise DOF (EdgeDOF = True), disabled the flapwise DOFs (FlapDOF1 = FlapDOF2 = False), and set the blade-pitch angle and structural twist angles to zero. Is that what you’ve done?
Best regards,