Blade and airfoil encryption

Dear all,

I am new in this forum, so hello to the administrators and all the community, i am impressed by the huge knowledge that one can find all together in just one site! My name is Roberto Echeverria, wind turbine control engineer.

I am planning to start dealing with FAST or OpenFAST, but I was wondering if there is a way of encrypting the blades and more important the profiles so that the software can use them but no one is able to read the parameters.

Kind regards


Dear Roberto,

Input file data encryption is not a feature that is available in FAST/OpenFAST. Of course, you could always change the source code to meet your needs, e.g., by developing encrypted input file formats or hardcoding parameters in the source code rather than reading them from file.

Best regards.

Thank you very much for your FAST( :laughing: ) answer!

Kind regards
