Can anyone recommend some airfoils (minimum 14% thick) for 10 kW variable speed HAWTs? The Reynolds number is in the range of 200,000 to 1 million.
I have examined SG 60xx airfoils but they are not insensitive to roughness.
Kind regards,
Please visit the Airfoils section of our web site:
Dear Marshall,
Thank you for your reply. Actually I already have looked at NREL airfoils but a license is required to use those airfoils, which is not an option for me now. So, I am looking for some suitable “free airfoils” for 10 kW variable speed, pitch regulated wind turbine blade (4.6 m blade, Reynolds number ranging from 200,000 to 800,000).
Kind regards,
Dear Irfan,
Have you contacted our Tech Transfer Office about licensing? Not all our airfoils require royalties and for those they do require royalties, the rates vary with the situation.
You might search for Michael Selig’s site at UIUC. There may be something there for you.