Hi all,
I’ve been re-making the FAST files for the WindPACT project and I came across the following AeroDyn error: “Input values for DR( are not compatible with input RElm(:).” It suggests changing my evenly-spaced elements to an alternating form:
[code] Input values for DR( are not compatible with input RElm(:).
To make them compatible, please modify DR in the AeroDyn input file, .\WP3.0A02
as follows:
DR (Old) → DR (New)
3.1350 → 3.1250
3.1350 → 3.1450
3.1350 → 3.1250
3.1350 → 3.1450
3.1350 → 3.1250
3.1350 → 3.1450
3.1350 → 3.1250
3.1350 → 3.1450
3.1350 → 3.1250
3.1350 → 3.1450
3.1350 → 3.1250
3.1350 → 3.1450
3.1350 → 3.1250
3.1350 → 3.1450
3.1350 → 3.1250
Could not initialize AeroDyn.
Aborting FAST.[/code]
My full AeroDyn file is attached.
I checked my number calculations, (my tip radius is 49.5 m and my hub radius is 2.475 m), these element specs should be correct. Specifically, the values for RNodes were in the centers of each element, the edges of each element lined up with the next, the first edge of the first element is equal to my hub radius, and the ending edge of the last element equals my tip radius. Does anyone know what’s up?
WP3.0A02V02_00000_AD.txt (2.87 KB)