FAST v7.02 AeroDyn file for turbine "WP3.0A02V02" (JRinker, Duke University) SI SysUnits - System of units for used for input and output [must be SI for FAST] (unquoted string) BEDDOES StallMod - Dynamic stall included [BEDDOES or STEADY] (unquoted string) NO_CM UseCm - Use aerodynamic pitching moment model? [USE_CM or NO_CM] (unquoted string) DYNIN InfModel - Inflow model [DYNIN or EQUIL] (unquoted string) SWIRL IndModel - Induction-factor model [NONE or WAKE or SWIRL] (unquoted string) 0.005 AToler - Induction-factor tolerance (convergence criteria) (-) PRANDtl TLModel - Tip-loss model (EQUIL only) [PRANDtl, GTECH, or NONE] (unquoted string) PRANDtl HLModel - Hub-loss model (EQUIL only) [PRANdtl or NONE] (unquoted string) "C:\Users\jrinker\Documents\GitHub\dissertation\FAST_models\wind_files\NoShr_05.0.wnd" WindFile - Name of file containing wind data (quoted string) 119.4053 HH - Wind reference (hub) height [TowerHt+Twr2Shft+OverHang*SIN(ShftTilt)] (m) 0.0 TwrShad - Tower-shadow velocity deficit (-) 9999.9 ShadHWid - Tower-shadow half width (m) 9999.9 T_Shad_Refpt - Tower-shadow reference point (m) 1.225 AirDens - Air density (kg/m^3) 1.4639E-5 KinVisc - Kinematic air viscosity (m^2/sec) 0.005 DTAero - Time interval for aerodynamic calculations (sec) 4 NumFoil - Number of airfoil files (-) "AeroData/cylinder.dat" FoilNm - Names of the airfoil files [NumFoil lines] (quoted strings) "AeroData/s818_2703.dat" "AeroData/s825_2103.dat" "AeroData/s826_1603.dat" 15 BldNodes - Number of blade nodes used for analysis (-) RNodes AeroTwst DRNodes Chord NFoil PrnElm 4.0425 11.10 3.135 2.754 1 NOPRINT 7.1775 11.10 3.135 3.208 2 NOPRINT 10.3125 11.10 3.135 3.661 2 NOPRINT 13.4475 10.41 3.135 3.880 2 NOPRINT 16.5825 8.38 3.135 3.647 2 NOPRINT 19.7175 6.35 3.135 3.414 2 NOPRINT 22.8525 4.33 3.135 3.181 2 NOPRINT 25.9875 2.85 3.135 2.947 3 NOPRINT 29.1225 2.22 3.135 2.711 3 NOPRINT 32.2575 1.58 3.135 2.476 3 NOPRINT 35.3925 0.95 3.135 2.240 3 NOPRINT 38.5275 0.53 3.135 2.016 3 NOPRINT 41.6625 0.38 3.135 1.806 3 NOPRINT 44.7975 0.23 3.135 1.595 4 NOPRINT 47.9325 0.08 3.135 1.385 4 NOPRINT