I´m trying to run a multi-body-simulation, which is using AeroDyn V13, but i can´t start it because of an error with my AeroDyn input file.
First of all, i found two different versions of input files, one defining the blade elements by RElm and DR, while the other one used the terms RNodes and DRNodes.
Are there any differences between these two Versions?
When using the following Numbers, i get an error massage saying “RElm(2) produces ill-conditioned DR(:)”. I already read the FAQ about Nodes (nwtc.nrel.gov/faq#Nodes) and the AeroDyn Documentation, but i can´t figure out what´s wrong with these Numbers. the Hub-Radius of my model is 1.565m.
2.565 2
3.865 0.6
5.165 2
6.365 0.4
7.665 2.2
... ...
thanks in advance!