Hi Again
I had another question regarding A2AD dll interface. I want to connect the GH bladed interface to what I’m compiling to run 5MW NREL turbine with ADAMS. So I guess I have to involve the BladedDLLInterface.f90 into the batch file that I’m using and with the same way that we compile FAST comment out some of the subroutines from usersubs.f90 and UserVSCont_KP.f90 and remove PitchCtrl_ACH.f90 from the batch file. What I have in the CompileLinkA2AD.bat for the FAST codes part looks like this:
SET FAST_Files=%FAST_Files% "%FAST_Loc%\UserSubs_forBladedDLL.f90"
SET FAST_Files=%FAST_Files% + "%FAST_Loc%\UserVSCont_KP_forBladedDLL.f90"
SET FAST_Files=%FAST_Files% + "%FAST_Loc%\FFTMod.f90"
SET FAST_Files=%FAST_Files% + "%FAST_Loc%\HydroCalc.f90"
SET FAST_Files=%FAST_Files% + "%FAST_Loc%\BladedDLLInterface.f90"
There are some errors in compiling the program (First one being: check INCLUDE paths [OUTPUT]) using the top files so the dll will not be created. I added the FAST_Mods.f90 which has the output module but encountered some other errors. Has anyone done this before? Is there a specific order for compiling the FAST Files with bladed interface? I saw the posts in the forum (5MW Onshore Baseline Windturbine simulated by ADAMS) but the problem does not get solved.
Thanks in advance,