fatigue loads, DEL, Mlife,

Dear Sir,

I need to calculate fatigue loads on the turbine tower (My_T = hH (cTx_dot_T + kT xT)).

From what I learned from NREL website, I can use Mlife codes to for fatigue load computation. I downloaded the files and studied the pdfs regarding the theory of fatigue load calculations and Mfile manual. But I am not sure, I realize how I can set-up the codes to use.

I am familiar with FAST. But do not understand how I can connect the outputs from FAST to the Mfile.
Are there any instructions with sample cases that I can study to learn more?

Thanks for your attention.


Dear Elham,

I’m sorry, but I don’t understand your equation.

MLife can read FAST output files directly. See the CertTest provided in the MLife archive for many several examples.

Best regards,