Dear all
I’m going to make a Simulink model of 2.5 MW wind turbine. I wonder whether I can use 1.5 MW or 5 MW based one.
Actually I mean is it possible for 1.5 MW WT to be changed into 2.5 MW or should I change 5 MW WT into 1.5 one ?
I have real data extracted from a 2.5-2.6 MW wind turbine, and I want to use them as used in FAST model.
your kind answer would be appreciated
Dear Amirhossein,
I’m not really sure I understand your question.
You can apply geometric scaling laws to upscale the WindPACT 1.5-MW reference turbine or downscale the NREL 5-MW reference turbine to 2.5 MW, but you should consider that (1) the scaling laws are really only valid for small changes in scale and (2) both of these reference models are more than 10 years old and so not necessarily completely representative of today’s technology. Also, if you have a real data from a 2.5-2.6-MW turbine, why would not build your FAST model from that data instead of relying on data form the WindPACT 1.5-MW or NREL 5-MW reference turbines?
Also, depending on the timing of when you need this model, I know that the new IEA Wind Task 37 Systems Engineering project has a work package associated with developing reference wind turbine models, and one of the models they are working on is 3.X-MW turbine, which will become public upon completion (but this is likely still a year or so away).
Best regards,
Thanks a million dear Jonkman.
I found my answer. your comments were really useful.
Yours sincerely
Dear Jonkman
In order for the wind turbine to be scaled down or up, which parameters (how and from which documents) should be manipulated?
Yours sincerely
Dear Amirhossein,
You would need to scale many things within the various FAST input files, such as the geometry, mass, stiffness, and controller constants.
There have been many papers published that summarize these scaling laws; most assume that the turbine topology is identical across scale, and scale values (like loads) as a function of rotor diameter. For example, rotor thrust scales proportionally to rotor diameter squared for turbines of the same topology. See, for example, Table 6.2 in the book Wind Energy Explained by Manwell et al.
Best regards,
Dear Jason,
Would you be able to share more about those scaling laws?
I read your example reference, that in the 2nd edition is actually on Table 7.4 of the book Wind Energy Explained by Manwell et al, but I couldn’t quite understand after the radius relation, how does the chord and other properties really change.
Best regards,
Vitor Ramalho.
Dear Vitor,
Manwell’s book explains far more than I can explain here. Regardless, the scaling laws provided in Manwell’s book apply to turbines of the same topology. So all geometry, including the chord length, will scale with the rotor radius.
Best regards,