Wake deflection when using FAST.Farm at region3

Dear @Jason.Jonkman ,

After adjusting the parameters as you suggested, the following cross section was obtained at x=D/2 as shown below.
The set values are as follows.

Is the simulation running without problems?

Best regards,

Dear @Yuki.Ogura,

I can’t answer your question generally, but are you now seeing the wake deflection you expect?

Best regards,

Dear @Jason.Jonkman ,

Sorry for my bad question.

The velocity deficit ratio in the xy-plane was obtained at 6D downstream of the wind turbine under the previous conditions, as shown in the following figure.
The blue line is the result of the LES analysis.
The velocity deficit ratio in the xy-plane was obtained at 6D downstream of the wind turbine under the previous conditions, as shown in the following figure.
The blue line is the result of the LES analysis. Which parameter should be changed to reduce the wake range and increase the maximum wake deficits order to bring the black line closer to the blue line?

Dear @Yuki.Ogura,

I see from your plot that the wake deflection matches reasonable well between FAST.Farm (curled wake) and LES, but the wake is recovering faster in FAST.Farm. This implies that your eddy viscosity in FAST.Farm is too high. It looks like your simulation involves inflow without ambient turbulence, so, the ambient turbulence part of the eddy viscosity is likely quite low. So, it is the eddy viscosity associated with the shear layer in the wake that is too high. This can be changed in FAST.Farm by changing (reducing) k_vCurl and/or k_vShr.

Best regards,

Dear @Jason.Jonkman ,

I followed your advice and ran the simulation with a reduced k_vSr.
I were able to match the Cueled Wake results to the LES results as shown in the figure below.
Thank you for your support.

Best regards,

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