Dear @Lei.Xue,
I’m not familiar enough with the TurbSim source code to provide guidance on modifications to support nonuniform grids. To get around this existing limitation of TurbSim, when using TurbSim to generate inflow for FAST.Farm, we typically recommend using Mod_AmbWind
= 3, which makes use of multiple TurbSim files–one for the coarse, low resolution domain around the farm and separate ones for the high-resolution domains around each wind turbine. Guidance for using Mod_AmbWind
= 3 is provided in the online FAST.Farm documentation ( Modeling Guidance — OpenFAST v3.5.2 documentation) and Python scripts to automate the process are available in the OpenFAST Toolbox: openfast_toolbox/openfast_toolbox/fastfarm at main · OpenFAST/openfast_toolbox · GitHub.
Regardless, TurbSim is not parallalized, so, I would expect you’d have difficult if the number of grid points per plane exceeds about 1600 points. Here is a link to an older topic that discusses the CPU time expected with TurbSim simulations: TurbSim CPU Times
Best regards,