turbulence intensity from TrubSim vs Bladed

The output TI is a topic we have discussed briefly in the TurbSim User’s Guide (for v1.50, see page 8 under parameter ScaleIEC) and at the TurbSim Workshop held in 2008. Here is what Neil Kelley (now retired) wrote about the problem in 2007:

The following slide from the 2008 TurbSim Workshop shows the spectra and variance in TI due to random phase variate distribution that Neil mentions:

We have added the ScaleIEC parameter in the TurbSim input file so that the output TI matches the requested values. I personally don’t like to use this feature: It seems like doing numerical integration where you know the analytical solution, and then when you see the numerical and analytical answers don’t exactly match, you scale the function you are trying to integrate instead of changing the numerical method. However, some people are very adamant that the simulated TI be exactly a certain value.