Dear all,
As a part of my postdoctoral studies, I want to perform the fluid-structure interaction analysis of the NREL phase VI wind turbine. To do such an analysis, I need to model the NREL phase VI S809 airfoil but I could not find any information about the original composite lay up in open literature.
Among the data I need is:
-The composite material used in the shells and the web shear.
-The thickness along the length
-The lay up schedule of the composites
I would be so grateful if someone could tell me where I can find these data.
Dear Mojtaba,
I’m not aware that the composite layup of the NREL Phase VI (UAE) rotor blade was ever published, but you could reach out to Lee Jay Fingersh of NREL, who would know that for sure. In our FAST / OpenFAST model, we estimated the beam properties based on published information–see my M.S. thesis-turned NREL report for more information:
Also keep in mind that the UAE Phase VI rotor was very rigid for conventional blade standards. It likely does not matter how accurate the structural properties are because the aero-elastic effects of this rotor are basically negligible.
Best regards,
Dear Jason,
Thank you for your response.