Good morning,
I,m working on FAST-Simulink the first time. I would like know if I have to click on Play button to run the example Simulink model OpenLoop.mdl every time that I open a MATLAB command window (as simsetup.m and as the name of FAST input file (.fst)) or only have to do it once.
Another question: FAST_SFunc.dll is the same than FAST_SFunc.mexw32? If this is not true, where is FAST_SFunc.dll?
And the last one: I think (after a reading on FAST User’s Guide) that the model Test01_SIG.mdl also has to be for getting the interface works correctly, but could anyone confirm it?
Thanks you
Dear Ana,
The S-Function has changed from “FAST_SFunc.dll” to “FAST_SFunc.mexw32” in MATLAB R2006a and newer.
I’m not sure I understand what you are asking in your other questions. Please clarify.
Best regards,
Thank you,
I will do the questions again:
1. If I don't use FAST input files from CertTest folder, is then necessary the model Test01_SIG.mdl in order to the interface works correctly ?
2. I think that I always have to run the example Simulink model OpenLoop.mdl at the beginnig of the simulation, is it true?
Thank you,
Please, tell me know if you don’t understand any question.
Dear Ana,
To run your own FAST simulation from within Simulink, I suggest you start with OpenLoop.mdl and add in the control laws that you wish to apply. OpenLoop.mdl is a Simulink model that contains the FAST S-Function block and blocks that integrate the DOFs. The control inputs in OpenLoop.mdl are input blocks with constant values; these can obviously be changed to incorporate more advanced control laws, with feedback.
You should not need Test01_SIG.mdl. Test01_SIG.mdl is a sample Simulink model that implements FAST’s simple induction generator (SIG) model within Simulink. This is included in the archive for reference purposes only to demonstrate how a control feedback law can be implemented.
I hope that helps.
Best regards,