Shear modulus NREL 5MW

Hello everyone,

I’m developing a beam model for turbine blades and trying to compare my results with FAST.
In my beam model (Timoshenko model), I need a term to define my matrix: the shear modulus times the element area. However, I can’t find these values in the NREL report.

I try to use EAStiff (GA = EAStiff / (2*(1+poissonRatio)) ) I believe there’s a better way to define it. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Best regards,

Dear @Enzo.Mascrier,

While this is not technically correct, our BeamDyn model of the NREL 5-MW baseline wind turbine blade sets the flapwise and edgewise shear stiffness equal to the axial (EA) stiffness because, as you said, the shear stiffness values are not actually stated in the report. We have not noticed any unintended consequences of this choice, given the limited effect of the shear stiffness on high-aspect ratio beams.

Best regards,

Dear @Jason.Jonkman

Thank you for your answer, it will help me !

Best regards,
