ROSCO Integrated in Time Domain Solver

Hi all,

I would like to use ROSCO integrated with a hydrodynamic model to simulate turbine controller outputs during wave induced motion of a FOWT.

I am planning on passing the turbine state variables (pitch, rotor speed and torque) as calculated by a blade element momentum code to ROSCO at each time step of the hydrodynamic simulation.

  1. Regarding the integrator term of the PID control, will the controller object store/remember the turbine states at previous time steps to correctly get the Ki term, or do I need to pass a time series of the turbine state to the controller at each time step which includes previous states?

  2. Is it possible to pass additional variables such as platform pitch position to utilize the floating feed back term in ROSCO? If so, how do I implement that additional feedback term?

all the best and thank you so much for your assistance!

Hi Jackson,

  1. Yes, the PID control has memory of the previous error.

  2. ROSCO can read the nacelle acceleration and platform pitch. It has a floating feedback module as well.

More information can be found here: WES - A reference open-source controller for fixed and floating offshore wind turbines

I hope this helps.

Best, Dan