ROSCO input file for benchmarking

I like to use Openfast/ROSCO for comparing to another controller. I am running openfast from the shell. How do I get a “standard” ROSCO setup?
For now I only have a “SERVODYN v1.05.* INPUT FILE” but not a specific ROSCO setup file.
I get these warnings suggesting I could have a setup file with ROSCO parameters?

Running ROSCO-v2.9.0
A wind turbine controller framework for public use in the scientific field
Developed in collaboration: National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands

ROSCO Warning: Did not find correct size F_NotchFreqs in input file. Using default value of [ 0.0000000000000000 ]
ROSCO Warning: Did not find correct size F_NotchBetaNum in input file. Using default value of [ 0.0000000000000000 ]
ROSCO Warning: Did not find correct size F_NotchBetaDen in input file. Using default value of [ 0.0000000000000000 ]
Generator speed: 1173.7 RPM, Pitch angle: 0.0 deg, Power: 0.0 kW, Est. wind Speed: 19.7 m/s

FAST_Solution:FAST_AdvanceStates:SrvD_UpdateStates:DLL_controller_call:BladedInterface option was
designed for an explicit-loose coupling scheme. Using last calculated values from DLL on all
subsequent calls until time is advanced. Warning will not be displayed again.

Generator speed: 1230.0 RPM, Pitch angle: 12.9 deg, Power: 5377.4 kW, Est. wind Speed: 17.2 m/s

Hi Torben,

Standard inputs can be found here, for example.

If you have another turbine model, this example will tune the controller and generate a DISCON for you.

Best, Dan