Dear NREL community,
I am working on vibration and fatigue mitigation of a barge-type FOWT. The aim is to obtain optimal TMD parameters (stiffness and damping ratio).
I succeeded in coupling OpenFAST and MATLAB for the optimization and i succeeded to run the optimization on HPC (High Performance Computer).
For the optimization, i am using PSO optimizer (Particle Swarm Optimization).
I did two optimization procedures: the first has the aim of finding the optimal damping ratio of the TMD (i.e. 1D optimization) and the second has the aim of finding the optimal damping ratio and stiffness of the TMD (i.e. 2D optimization). The optimization are ran using parallel computing with 30 cores.
The problem is that i obtain the same simulation time for 1D and 2D optimization. Is this possible ?
I expect that the time required for 2D optimization should be twice the one needed for 1D optimization.
What do you think ?
Thank you in advance,
Best regards,