Dear everyone,
I am an undergraduate student and I am trying to simulate the 5MW OC3 Monopile with distributed springs under the mudline but i havent found a way to do it. Where should I look for?
Thank you very much in advance!
Dear everyone,
I am an undergraduate student and I am trying to simulate the 5MW OC3 Monopile with distributed springs under the mudline but i havent found a way to do it. Where should I look for?
Thank you very much in advance!
Dear @Achilleas.Kazerakis,
See a similar question asked and answered in the following forum topic: Is there any subroutine to mannually assign distributed loads in Subdyn. In short: while SubDyn currently supports apparent fixity (AF) and coupled springs (CS) representations of the foundation, OpenFAST does not currently support a distributed springs (DS) representation of the foundation. That said, there is placeholder for future development of a DS model in the upcoming release of the SoilDyn module (but source code changes would be needed to implement that).
Best regards,
Dear Mr Jonkman,
Thank you for your time.
Best regards,