Question about Wave force time history

Dear Jonkman,

I would like to consult with you a question.
For a monopile wind turbine, if I want to extract the wave force time history acting on different monopile nodes, which parameter should I correspond to in the OutlistParameters.xls?

Pengfei Xu

Dear @Xu.Pengfei,

You can select outputs at the nodes of each member of the strip-theory solution in HydroDyn associated with each component of the hydrodynamic load, e.g., MαNβFDxi for the viscous drag force and MαNβFIxi for the fluid-inertia force in the x-direction at output node β of output member α.

Best regards,

Dear Jonkman,

Thanks for the tip, I found the explanation in Appendix C. List of Output Channels in the HydroDyn User’s Guide and Theory Manual. However, I still have a doubt. If I want to obtain the total wave force acting on a monopile wind turbine, can the Channel Name—HydroFxi、HydroFyi—be the parameter I want? In addition, the height of the total wave force should change with time. How should I obtain this parameter? What exactly does WAMIT reference point (WRP) mean? I’m not sure about the knowledge whether to design floating wind turbines. And I don’t understand the relevant concepts of floating wind turbines. If it’s convenient for you, can you briefly tell me how to quickly extract the wave equivalent force and action position of a monopile wind turbine?

The attached picture is a paper published by you and T. Pahn et al. "Inverse load calculation procedure for offshore wind turbines and application to a 5‐MW wind turbine support structure " on Wind Energy.

A more concise description of my problem is as follows:What I want to find out is how the size and position of the “Resulting wave load” in the picture on the right are determined. Can it be obtained directly in the FAST result file?

Pengfei Xu

Dear @Xu.Pengfei,

I agree that HydroDyn outputs HydroFxi, etc. provide the total integrated hydrodynamic applied loads across the structure, with HydroMyi, etc. providing the moments. You should be able to calculate the moment arm by dividing HydroMyi by HydroFxi, which will provide the moment arm along zi relative to (0,0,0).

You shouldn’t need a “WAMIT reference point” that is used in the potential-flow solution for a monopile, which would use the strip-theory solution instead.

Best regards,