Dear all,
After running a simulation with OpenFAST, I tried to read the binary output file I had requested. To do that, I used the function readFASTbinary provided in the Matlab toolbox. However, I got an error. To check if it was the file I had obtained, I checked the function with one of the .outb files provided: ‘5MW_Land_BD_DLL_WTurb.outb’. The problem appeared again: “Could not read entire 5MW_Land_BD_DLL_WTurb.outb file: read 0 of 1260063 values”.
I checked the code on the function line by line and at first it appeared to run correctly, since I obtained the FIleID, number of channels and of time steps, and the first time and time increment. However, after getting the channel slopes and offsets, I couldn’t get the description, units nor names of the channels. I checked with Python and noticed that ‘LenDesc’ should be read right after ‘TimeIncr’ since the description starts a few positions after. I tried on Matlab skipping ‘ColScl’ and ‘ColOff’ and I managed to get the description, units and channel names. The rest of the function didn’t work.
In summary, with this code the function didn’t work:
FileID = fread( fid, 1, ‘int16’,machinefmt); % FAST output file format, INT(2)
NumOutChans = fread( fid, 1, 'int32',machinefmt); % The number of output channels, INT(4)
NT = fread( fid, 1, 'int32',machinefmt); % The number of time steps, INT(4)
if FileID == FileFmtID.WithTime
TimeScl = fread( fid, 1, 'float64',machinefmt); % The time slopes for scaling, REAL(8)
TimeOff = fread( fid, 1, 'float64',machinefmt); % The time offsets for scaling, REAL(8)
TimeOut1 = fread( fid, 1, 'float64',machinefmt); % The first time in the time series, REAL(8)
TimeIncr = fread( fid, 1, 'float64',machinefmt); % The time increment, REAL(8)
ColScl = fread( fid, NumOutChans, 'float32',machinefmt); % The channel slopes for scaling, REAL(4)
ColOff = fread( fid, NumOutChans, 'float32',machinefmt); % The channel offsets for scaling, REAL(4)
LenDesc = fread( fid, 1, 'int32',machinefmt ); % The number of characters in the description string, INT(4)
DescStrASCII = fread( fid, LenDesc, 'uint8',machinefmt ); % DescStr converted to ASCII
DescStr = char( DescStrASCII' );
if FileID == FileFmtID.ChanLen
LenName = 15;
LenUnit = LenName;
ChanName = cell(NumOutChans+1,1); % initialize the ChanName cell array
for iChan = 1:NumOutChans+1
ChanNameASCII = fread( fid, LenName, 'uint8',machinefmt ); % ChanName converted to numeric ASCII
ChanName{iChan}= strtrim( char(ChanNameASCII') );
ChanUnit = cell(NumOutChans+1,1); % initialize the ChanUnit cell array
for iChan = 1:NumOutChans+1
ChanUnitASCII = fread( fid, LenUnit, 'uint8',machinefmt ); % ChanUnit converted to numeric ASCII
ChanUnit{iChan}= strtrim( char(ChanUnitASCII') );
I couldn’t even get the description of the file. Just by skipping reading ‘ColScl’ and ‘ColOff’, I got the description, units and channels.
Has something changed in the structure of the binary output files? Is the function wrong? Or am I doing something wrong?
Thank you,
Rubén González