Dear Jason,
Thank you so much for the reply and guidance. For the maximum power coefficient, I found using the AeroDyn module that it is Cp=0.4862, for a TSR_opt=7.55 and Pitch_opt=0°, as we discussed it in the “NREL 5-MW reference turbine - CP, CQ, CT Coefficients” topic [url]Question #1 for turbulence fields (points outside of field)], which is very close to the 0.482 found a while ago. I think the difference comes from the blade nodes considered while computing Cp, and the different aerodynamic settings in AeroDyn v15, and/or enabling/disabling structural DOFs may have some effect, as you highlighted.
Regarding your suggestion for the computation of RtVAvgxh, I compute it now by double integrating the local wind speeds, in the following nodes, on the swept area divided by (R^2)*pi.
The nodes: OutRadii = 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 45 51 57 60 63
dr=1 (m)
The results on the waked wind turbine are:
RtVAvgxh= 6.8052 m/s
TSR_waked= 8.1119
Cp_waked= 0.4829
Which are what I expected when looking at the 5MW characteristics, and also not in the second region anymore, but in region 1/2 (Cp < Cp_max):
Thank you so much again
Kindest regards