Hi Jason and all NREL Forum members,
I am now running a ‘theoretical’ wave load increasing from 2m to 25m height at around 70m waterdepth on a monopile with IEA 15MW Turbine. With that waterdepth, it ‘theoretically’ can accommodate up to ~45m wave height before breaking.
For now, I switch the Aerodyn, Servodyn, and Inflowwind off to ensure that my Hydrodyn simulation runs successfully.
I am using dt = 0.0005 sec (to ensure the timestep is small enough to minimize numerical instability) and simulation time = 800 sec.
I discarded the first 200 sec to ensure the transient startup effect disappeared.
Seastate module with: SeaState Driver-v3.5.1-573-g889501f8.
I have these errors that occur when Wave Height is > 10 m.
Morison_CalcOutput:getElementHstLds_Mod1:Element cannot be parallel to the free surface.
This has happened for Member ID 1
getElementHstLds_Mod1:Element cannot be parallel to the free surface.
This has happened for Member ID 1
However, in cases at larger wave heights, the simulations were completed without any errors. Here is the list of the sims and its status:
Wave height (m) | Success? |
2 | Y |
3 | Y |
4 | Y |
5 | Y |
6 | Y |
7 | Y |
8 | Y |
9 | Y |
10 | Y |
11 | N |
12 | N |
13 | N |
14 | N |
15 | Y |
16 | N |
17 | N |
18 | N |
19 | Y |
20 | N |
21 | N |
22 | N |
23 | Y |
24 | Y |
25 | Y |
Member ID 1 spans from the seabed (-70 m) to +20 m.
I created a series of insignificant JONSWAP (Wavemod = 2) with Hs = 0.1 m. Then I put a constrained wave with the below flag:
2 | ConstWaveMod |
1.86*wave height | CrestHmax |
500 | CrestTime |
0 | CrestXi |
0 | CrestYi |
The simulation succeeded with the following water elevation (Hs = 15 m) - fig1:
But the mudline moment is weird - fig2:
Here is one of the unsuccessful simulations (Hs = 11 m), the wave elevation stops at t ~= 500 sec -fig3:
The bending moment also stop at max -fig4:
My question will be:
- What caused the error?
- Even if the simulation was successful, why I still have weird mudline moment? Is it because of the plastic deformation?