Mode shapes are not visualized with Paraview 5.12.0


Dear reader,

for information:
I am working on a windows 10 machine with OpenFAST-v3.5.1 and ParaView 5.12.0

I am trying to visualize mode shapes from the "\r-test\glue-codes\openfast\5MW_Land_ModeShapes" example. Therefore I followed the description in “”.

step 1:
OpenFAST.exe 5MW_Land_ModeShapes.fst
worked fine

step 2:
Here I have tried it with Matlab and Octave:

MBC_data = fx_mbc3( LinFileNames, ModesVizName );

and received this message:

it worked - with this message

step 3:
OpenFAST.exe -VTKLin ElastoDyn-Modes.viz
worked fine

I followed this hint (renaming parts in paraview state file):

And get these errors:

ERROR: In vtkXMLReader.cxx, line 341
vtkXMLPolyDataReader (000002A06706C0D0): Error opening file G:/temp/OpenFast/openFast/_testing/5MW/5MW_Land_ModeShapes/vtk/5MW_Land_ModeShapes.Mode1.LinTime1.Blade2Surface.094.vtp

ERROR: In vtkXMLReader.cxx, line 341
vtkXMLPolyDataReader (000002A06706C0D0): Error opening file G:/temp/OpenFast/openFast/_testing/5MW/5MW_Land_ModeShapes/vtk/5MW_Land_ModeShapes.Mode1.LinTime1.Blade2Surface.094.vtp

ERROR: In vtkExecutive.cxx, line 730
vtkPVCompositeDataPipeline (000002A05FF6CDE0): Algorithm vtkFileSeriesReader (000002A05F169BB0) returned failure for request: vtkInformation (000002A064F75CA0)

  • Debug: Off*
  • Modified Time: 5304757*
  • Reference Count: 1*
  • Registered Events: (none)*
  • Request: REQUEST_DATA*

I assume that this error has something to do with the previous message in Matlab/Octave “… does not form a unique blade triplet”… - do you have any hint for me how to solve this issue?

By the way, I can view some mode shapes when I don’t use any paraview state file but load the *.vtp files directly.

Furthermore, I have tried to

  1. Run ParaView Python:

Here is my batch:
set path="C:\Program Files\ParaView 5.12.0\bin";%path%

set exe=“C:\Program Files\ParaView 5.12.0\bin\pvpython.exe”

set script=G:\temp\OpenFast\openFast_testing\5MW\5MW_Land_ModeShapes\

set ROOT_PATH=G:\temp\OpenFast\openFast_testing\5MW\5MW_Land_ModeShapes\vtk\5MW_Land_ModeShapes

set STATEFILE=ED_Surfaces.pvsm

%exe% %script% %ROOT_PATH% %STATEFILE%


But unfortunately I get this error message:

G:\temp\OpenFast\openFast_testing\5MW\5MW_Land_ModeShapes>“C:\Program Files\ParaView 5.12.0\bin\pvpython.exe” G:\temp\OpenFast\openFast_testing\5MW\5MW_Land_ModeShapes\ G:\temp\OpenFast\openFast_testing\5MW\5MW_Land_ModeShapes\vtk\5MW_Land_ModeShapes ED_Surfaces.pvsm

RootName : 5MW_Land_ModeShapes
MainDirName: G:\temp\OpenFast\openFast_testing\5MW\5MW_Land_ModeShapes\vtk
StateFile : ED_Surfaces.pvsm

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “G:\temp\OpenFast\openFast_testing\5MW\5MW_Land_ModeShapes\”, line 93, in
File “C:\Program Files\ParaView 5.12.0\bin\Lib\site-packages\paraview\”, line 1223, in ExtendFileSeries
return helper.ExtendFileSeries(proxy.SMProxy)
AttributeError: ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘SMProxy’

Does anyone know how to solve this?


Hi Heike,

I usually load the generated VTK files from the ./vtk/ folder into the Preview GUI.

In the Paraview GUI, could you try going to ‘File’ → ‘open’, and then selecting the files generated (vtk folder) in step #3?

the above step should load the files and you’ll be able to select them to be displayed in the “pipeline browser” on the left. Then pressing “play” on the top should visualize the mode.


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Dear Mayank,

thank you very much for your answer!
I can view selected mode shapes in ParaView:

I just would like to use the paraview “state file” and execute the python script… - here I get the above mentioned errors. Does anyone has an idea how to solve these issues?
