Dear reader,
for information:
I am working on a windows 10 machine with OpenFAST-v3.5.1 and ParaView 5.12.0
I am trying to visualize mode shapes from the "\r-test\glue-codes\openfast\5MW_Land_ModeShapes" example. Therefore I followed the description in “vtk-visualization.md”.
step 1:
OpenFAST.exe 5MW_Land_ModeShapes.fst
worked fine
step 2:
Here I have tried it with Matlab and Octave:
MBC_data = fx_mbc3( LinFileNames, ModesVizName );
and received this message:
it worked - with this message
step 3:
OpenFAST.exe -VTKLin ElastoDyn-Modes.viz
worked fine
I followed this hint (renaming parts in paraview state file):
And get these errors:
ERROR: In vtkXMLReader.cxx, line 341
vtkXMLPolyDataReader (000002A06706C0D0): Error opening file G:/temp/OpenFast/openFast/_testing/5MW/5MW_Land_ModeShapes/vtk/5MW_Land_ModeShapes.Mode1.LinTime1.Blade2Surface.094.vtp
ERROR: In vtkXMLReader.cxx, line 341
vtkXMLPolyDataReader (000002A06706C0D0): Error opening file G:/temp/OpenFast/openFast/_testing/5MW/5MW_Land_ModeShapes/vtk/5MW_Land_ModeShapes.Mode1.LinTime1.Blade2Surface.094.vtp
ERROR: In vtkExecutive.cxx, line 730
vtkPVCompositeDataPipeline (000002A05FF6CDE0): Algorithm vtkFileSeriesReader (000002A05F169BB0) returned failure for request: vtkInformation (000002A064F75CA0)
- Debug: Off*
- Modified Time: 5304757*
- Reference Count: 1*
- Registered Events: (none)*
- Request: REQUEST_DATA*
I assume that this error has something to do with the previous message in Matlab/Octave “… does not form a unique blade triplet”… - do you have any hint for me how to solve this issue?
By the way, I can view some mode shapes when I don’t use any paraview state file but load the *.vtp files directly.
Furthermore, I have tried to
- Run ParaView Python:
Here is my batch:
set path="C:\Program Files\ParaView 5.12.0\bin";%path%
set exe=“C:\Program Files\ParaView 5.12.0\bin\pvpython.exe”
set script=G:\temp\OpenFast\openFast_testing\5MW\5MW_Land_ModeShapes\plotModeShapes.py
set ROOT_PATH=G:\temp\OpenFast\openFast_testing\5MW\5MW_Land_ModeShapes\vtk\5MW_Land_ModeShapes
set STATEFILE=ED_Surfaces.pvsm
%exe% %script% %ROOT_PATH% %STATEFILE%
But unfortunately I get this error message:
G:\temp\OpenFast\openFast_testing\5MW\5MW_Land_ModeShapes>“C:\Program Files\ParaView 5.12.0\bin\pvpython.exe” G:\temp\OpenFast\openFast_testing\5MW\5MW_Land_ModeShapes\plotModeShapes.py G:\temp\OpenFast\openFast_testing\5MW\5MW_Land_ModeShapes\vtk\5MW_Land_ModeShapes ED_Surfaces.pvsm
RootName : 5MW_Land_ModeShapes
MainDirName: G:\temp\OpenFast\openFast_testing\5MW\5MW_Land_ModeShapes\vtk
StateFile : ED_Surfaces.pvsm
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “G:\temp\OpenFast\openFast_testing\5MW\5MW_Land_ModeShapes\plotModeShapes.py”, line 93, in
File “C:\Program Files\ParaView 5.12.0\bin\Lib\site-packages\paraview\simple.py”, line 1223, in ExtendFileSeries
return helper.ExtendFileSeries(proxy.SMProxy)
AttributeError: ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘SMProxy’
Does anyone know how to solve this?