Hi everyone
I am trying to reproduce the results from the OC3 Phase I project, specifically load case 3.1. In this load case, the NREL 5MW wind turbine is mounted on a tower and a uniform wind of 8 m/s is applied. No hydrodynamic loads.
The results produced by NREL with FAST that I am trying to reproduce can be found here: SimulationResults_NREL_FAST.xls - Google Sheets
In that spreadsheet, for that load case, it appears that the generator power stabilises at around 1870 kW
I am now running OpenFAST 3.3.0, specifically the regression test 5MW_Land_BD_DLL_WTurb. The only significant change I have made is that I am using NRELOffshrBsline5MW_InflowWind_Steady8mps as the inflow file (I also changed the initial rotational speed and the total duration of the simulation). My generator power seems to be about 10% lower than in the OC3 results (see picture below).
Can anyone see what I am doing wrong? Obviously the OC3 results are about 15 years old, could it simply be that the code has been improved since then, or that the definition of the 5MW turbine has changed? If so, does anyone recall what changes that could have been?