One of our works with our students involves using OpenFAST to conduct parametrized simulations and analyze output data such as generated power. I would like to perform these simulations iteratively in Matlab, by modifying some basic parameters (such as wind conditions) and storing the results. I know this can be done by means of the console for each set of input parameters, but I would like to automate the process within a Matlab script, where the parameters are defined within the script.
In simple terms, I want to automate a set of simulations where some parameters are modified (from simulation to simulation) within a Matlab script.
To do this, I am looking to:
1- openfast/glue-codes/simulink at main · OpenFAST/openfast · GitHub
2- GitHub - OpenFAST/matlab-toolbox: Collection of Matlab tools developed for use with OpenFAST
From what I understand, option 1 is mainly used for control development in Matlab. However, since I do not want to modify the controller, is it possible to do such simulations with the default controller?
Could you please confirm if this is the correct approach?
Thanks in advance,