IEA 10MW Wind Turbine ElastoDyn + BeamDyn Simulation Error

Dear Dan,

I ran the 10MW -198-RWT case for OLAF using ElastoDyn + BeamDyn with the dynamic library of ROSCO 2.9.0. In the AERODYN file, the OLAF section specifies IEA-10.0-198-RWT_OLAF.dat for the OLAFInputFileName parameter => which is used only when WakeMod=3. However, the file IEA-10.0-198-RWT_OLAF.dat is not available in the directory. The simulation works when I use (the code shown below) only ElastoDyn for CompElast.

Q: What parameters should I change to fix the simulation error for the case when CompElast = 2?

Best regards,

--------------------------- OLAF (cOnvecting LAgrangian Filaments) INPUT FILE -----------------
Free wake input file for the Helix test case
--------------------------- GENERAL OPTIONS ---------------------------------------------------
default IntMethod          Integration method {5: Forward Euler 1st order, default: 5} (switch)
default DTfvw              Time interval for wake propagation. {default: dtaero} (s)
0.0     FreeWakeStart      Time when wake is free. (-) value = always free. {default: 0.0} (s)
5.0     FullCircStart      Time at which full circulation is reached. {default: 0.0} (s)
--------------------------- CIRCULATION SPECIFICATIONS ----------------------------------------
default CircSolvingMethod  Circulation solving method {1: Cl-Based, 2: No-Flow Through, 3: Prescribed, default: 1 }(switch)
default CircSolvConvCrit   Convergence criteria {default: 0.001} [only if CircSolvingMethod=1] (-)
default CircSolvRelaxation Relaxation factor {default: 0.1} [only if CircSolvingMethod=1] (-)
default CircSolvMaxIter    Maximum number of iterations for circulation solving {default: 30} (-)
"NA"    PrescribedCircFile File containing prescribed circulation [only if CircSolvingMethod=3] (quoted string)
--------------------------- WAKE OPTIONS ------------------------------------------------------
------------------- WAKE EXTENT AND DISCRETIZATION --------------------------------------------
51     nNWPanel           Number of near-wake panels [integer] (-)
default nNWPanelsFree      - Number of free near-wake panels (-) {default: nNWPanels}
900      nFWPanels          - Number of far-wake panels (-) {default: 0}
0 nFWPanelsFree      - Number of free far-wake panels (-) {default: nFWPanels}
default FWShedVorticity    Include shed vorticity in the far wake {default: false}
------------------- WAKE REGULARIZATIONS AND DIFFUSION -----------------------------------------
0       DiffusionMethod    Diffusion method to account for viscous effects {0: None, 1: Core Spreading, "default": 0}
0       RegDeterMethod     Method to determine the regularization parameters {0: Constant, 1: Optimized, 2: Chord-scaled, 3: dr-scaled, default: 0 }
1       RegFunction        Viscous diffusion function {0: None, 1: Rankine, 2: LambOseen, 3: Vatistas, 4: Denominator, "default": 3} (switch)
1       WakeRegMethod      Wake regularization method {1: Constant, 2: Stretching, 3: Age, default: 1} (switch)
0.001     WakeRegFactor      Wake regularization factor (m)
0.001     WingRegFactor      Wing regularization factor (m)
100    CoreSpreadEddyVisc Eddy viscosity in core spreading methods, typical values 1-1000
------------------- WAKE TREATMENT OPTIONS ---------------------------------------------------
False   TwrShadowOnWake    Include tower flow disturbance effects on wake convection {default:false} [only if TwrPotent or TwrShadow]
0       ShearModel         Shear Model {0: No treatment, 1: Mirrored vorticity, default: 0}
------------------- SPEEDUP OPTIONS -----------------------------------------------------------
1       VelocityMethod     Method to determine the velocity {1:Biot-Savart Segment, 2:Particle tree, default: 1}
1.5     TreeBranchFactor   Branch radius fraction above which a multipole calculation is used {default: 2.0} [only if VelocityMethod=2]
1       PartPerSegment     Number of particles per segment [only if VelocityMethod=2]
--------------------------- OUTPUT OPTIONS  ---------------------------------------------------
0       WrVTk              Outputs Visualization Toolkit (VTK) (independent of .fst option) {0: NoVTK, 1: Write VTK at each time step} (flag)
1       nVTKBlades         Number of blades for which VTK files are exported {0: No VTK per blade, n: VTK for blade 1 to n} (-)
1       VTKCoord           Coordinate system used for VTK export. {1: Global, 2: Hub, "default": 1}
default VTK_fps            Frame rate for VTK output (frames per second) {"all" for all glue code timesteps, "default" for all OLAF timesteps} [used only if WrVTK=1]
0       nGridOut           Number of grid outputs
GridName  GridType  TStart  TEnd     DTOut     XStart    XEnd   nX    YStart   YEnd    nY    ZStart   ZEnd   nZ
(-)         (-)      (s)     (s)      (s)        (m)      (m)    (-)    (m)     (m)     (-)    (m)     (m)    (-)

Hello Dereje,
I’m not sure I follow. Are you trying to run OLAF for the IEA 10MW? If you need guidance setting up OLAF, follow the instructions here Working with OLAF — OpenFAST v3.5.3 documentation
If you need help with something else, please reply back

Oh and if you are trying to run BeamDyn, make sure your time step DT in the .fst file is 0.0002 seconds. OpenFAST v5.0 will allow to use larger time steps, but the release is a few weeks away

Dear Pietro,

Thank you for your guidance. I want to run BeamDyn using CompElast = 2 (ElastoDyn + BeamDyn) for the IEA 10MW. I followed the instructions to set OLAF.dat and I have used OpenFast v5.0 with the time step 0.0002s. However, I couldn’t run the simulation successfully.
Q. Which parameters I should modify to avoid the sumulation error?

Best regards,

Hello Dereje,
OpenFAST v5.0 is not publicly available, you must be running an older OpenFAST release (maybe the latest, v3.5.4?). Can you please check? To help me debug, could you please turn off OLAF (set WakeMod to 1) and see if simulations run?

Dear Pietro,
Sorry for the confusion. I am using OpenFAST v3.5.3. I changed the wakeMode to 1 but couldn’t run the simulation successfully. Below is the error message I received.
Best regards,