Good afternoon,
I am trying to simulate some changes in time of the rotor speed or in the blade pitch motion in addition to a surge motion of the platform. For that purpose, I am using external files with the aerodyn version obtained by cloning :
GitHub - ebranlard/openfast: Main repository for the NREL-supported OpenFAST whole-turbine simulation code. Documentation is avaiable at -b f/driver
So I have generated the proper input files as described in the following link : AeroDyn Driver — OpenFAST v3.3.0 documentation
First I am wondering if the labels azimuth_,rotspeed_, rotacc_,pitch_, pitch_rate_,pitch_acc_ are available in OpenFast and if it is the case under what denomination? I am asking because I would like to check that are correctly interpreted from my external file, because I don’t obtain the correct range of values for the thrust and the torque. Perhaps my data format is not adequate ? In the blade pitch variations case, the force is even not sinusoidal for a sinusoidal surge motion and a sinusoidal blade pitch signal. I checked that my results are ok when I removed the rotor speed variations and they are correct. This means that the model is ok itself. I guess the same holds for the blade pitch variations.
If you have any idea of the possible source of trouble ?
Many thanks in advance.
Best regards.
Florence Haudin.