I have been using HARP_Opt to design 3 bladed rotors using my own generated NACA44xx CL/CD files from book curves and profile files from the respective 4 digit NACA formulas. Haven’t build any yet. Lately I have been trying to optimize further with structural optimization (multi objective) to have an idea of how thick a carbon fiber layup had to be (8m rotor). Before, the required iterations/generations for a solution were under 150 and now I have set the limit to 350 (no other change to convergence values) without reaching a solution. My laptop is not that powerfull an the last time it took 1 and 1/2 days to reach the 350 generations without a convergence solution. The resulting EXCEL file was empty and the DOS screen had the following error messages.
Average Average
Generation f-count Pareto distance Pareto spread
331 66400 0.000895492 0.324895
…snip snip snip snip snip snip snip snip snip snip snip snip snip snip snip snip snip snip snip snip snip
350 70200 0.000573077 0.217427
Optimization terminated: maximum number of generations exceeded.
Generating output files (please wait)…
??? Invoke Error, Dispatch Exception:
Source: Microsoft Excel
Description: Error en el método Copy de la clase Worksheet.
Help File: C:\Archivos de programa\Microsoft Office\Office10\3082\xlmain10.chm
Help Context ID: 0
Error in ==> HARP_Opt>Optimize_Callback at 802
Error in ==> gui_mainfcn at 96
Error in ==> HARP_Opt at 47
Error in ==>
??? Error while evaluating uicontrol Callback
Obviously the next time I will set the limit to a very big number (2000?) and use the console to eventually stop, but would like to know if this messages are known to “generation limit reached” or if I might have a compatibility problem with EXCEL. When no structural optimization is used, the EXCEL file is generated with no problem.
I do not want to find out that, lets say 600 generations are required with 4 days running and that I keep having the same problem even without the limit reach.
Thanks for any guidance and or help
Thomas Magdahl