Fatigue Analysis of Nylon mooring line!

I wanna run 5MW_OC4Semi_WSt_WavesWN.fst file by modifying AeroDyn, ElastoDyn, MoorDyn, FEA Mooring by OpenFAST. Could you please help me in this regard? Thank you

Dear @JMRaisulIslam.Shohag,

I’m not sure I understand your question. What do you want to modify in this r-test of the NREL 5-MW baseline wind turbine atop the OC4-DeepCwind semisubmersible?

Best regards,

Dear Jonkman,
I want to plot using MLife by followings

  1. Time series plots of simulation loads and responses
  2. Histograms or scatter plots visualizing statistics of the simulation data
    3.Rainflow cycle counting histograms to visualize fatigue loads
  3. SN curves relating stress cycles to number of cycles to failure
  4. Damage accumulation plots over time
    I am trying for several months, but failed. Honestly, I want to install MLife but it doesn’t work. Whenever i click MLife_win64.exe it doesn’t work. [Please see the picture]

Dear @JMRaisulIslam.Shohag,

See a similar question asked and answered here: MCR 7.16 for 64bit Windows.

Best regards,

Dear Jonkman,
Thank you for your reply. However, I went through the link. But MCR 7.16 could not be found and installed and didn’t work that was my question. I am trying but it doesn’t work. Could you suggest me in this problem what should i do now?

Unfortunately, I’m not sure what to recommend beyond what has been discussed in other forum topics.

Hi everyone,
I want to calculate fatigue of mooring line using MLife. I am trying by the process…

  1. Generate several .bts file for several wind speed condition.
  2. Then run 5MW OC4DeepCWind semi-submersible Floating Offshore Wind Turbine (FOWT) (Test#25) .fst file to get MoorDyn, ElastoDyn, and HydroDyn output parameters as .out file [ parameter considering mooring line and anchor line tension, wind speed, wave height, fairlead displacement)
  3. After running OpenFAST .fst file I may need to create the time series data based on my parameters. This time series data will be used as input parameters to run MLife.
    My questions:
    a) Am I in right process?
    b) If I am right how I can calculate time series data after running OpenFAST (Test 25) .fst file?
    Upto this

Hi Everyone,
How I can generate time series data by OpenFAST as an input files in MLif?

Dear @JMRaisulIslam.Shohag,

It sounds like you want to run IEC design load case 1.2 involving the calculation of fatigue loads during normal operation, which involves running a series of simulations at different wind speeds and corresponding sea state conditions, including multiple simulations within each bin (with different seeds for the turbulent inflow and irregular sea state generation). Is that correct? The process is dictated by the IEC design standards, like IEC 61400-1 for land-basd turbines, -3-2 for fixed offshore wind turbines, and -3-2 for floating offshore wind turbines.

OpenFAST will generate time series output files for each simulation, which you can post-process via MLife (or the like).

Best regards,

Hi Jonkman,
My question was Am I in right process?

Hi Jonkman,

These are the same questions I tried to answer before.

Hi Jonkman,
Could you please share the link of IEC design standards, like IEC 61400-1 for land-basd turbines, -3-2 for fixed offshore wind turbines, and -3-2 for floating offshore wind turbines where I can find the guidelines.

Dear @JMRaisulIslam.Shohag,

The IEC standards are copyrighted and cannot be shared publicly; if you don’t already have a copy, you must purchase them through IEC. Here is a link to where you can purchase IEC 61400-1 for land-based wind turbines: IEC 61400-1:2019 | IEC Webstore | rural electrification, wind power (similar for -3-1 for fixed-bottom offshore and -3-2 for floating offshore).

Best regards,

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