This FAST script was designed to work just in Windows 7 + MATLAB 2012 32 bits.

Although it suddenly stopped running and presenting some errors instead: … sp=sharing

The image is available in the link above. Hope everyone can open it.

After that, I tried to run in Windows 7 + MATLAB 2012 32 bits and also Windows 10 + MATLAB 2015 64 bits, but without successs.

Please, does someone know what is preventing the program to run?


Dear Jonathan,

You should be able to run the Simulink-FAST interface on either Windows 7 or Windows 10.

The first error is saying that you FAST S-Function parameters are not set. See section “S-Function Parameters” in the FAST v8 ReadMe file for more information:

I"m not familar with the second error.

Which version of FAST are you running? Did you compile the S-Function yourself or did you use one of S-Functions compiled provided by NREL?

Best regards,

Dear Jason,

Thank you for your prompt reply. I had already tried to set up the “S-Functions Parameters”, although the code run into another error, which I uploaded in the following link: … sp=sharing

I’m running FAST v7, and I’m not quite sure, but I think the S-Function is compiled.

Best regards,

Dear Jonathan,

The message says that you are running FAST v8.16, not FAST v7.

The first error means that the file Energies.fst is not formatted correctly. Is Energies.fst a text-formatted primary input file FAST v8.16?

Again, I’m not familiar with the second error regarding sfun_time.

Best regards,

Dear Professor Jonkman,

I believe that Energies.fst is not a text-formatted primary input file FAST v8.16.

That’s the content of the file:

------- FAST INPUT FILE --------------------------------------------------------
FAST certification Test #13: WindPACT 1.5 MW Baseline with many DOFs with VS and VP and FF turbulence.
Model properties from “InputData1.5A08V07adm.xls” (from C. Hansen) with bugs removed. Compatible with FAST v7.00.00.
---------------------- SIMULATION CONTROL --------------------------------------
False Echo - Echo input data to “echo.out” (flag)
1 ADAMSPrep - ADAMS preprocessor mode {1: Run FAST, 2: use FAST as a preprocessor to create an ADAMS model, 3: do both} (switch)
1 AnalMode - Analysis mode {1: Run a time-marching simulation, 2: create a periodic linearized model} (switch)
3 NumBl - Number of blades (-)
300.0 TMax - Total run time (s)
0.005 DT - Integration time step (s)
---------------------- TURBINE CONTROL -----------------------------------------
0 YCMode - Yaw control mode {0: none, 1: user-defined from routine UserYawCont, 2: user-defined from Simulink} (switch)
9999.9 TYCOn - Time to enable active yaw control (s) [unused when YCMode=0]
2 PCMode - Pitch control mode {0: none, 1: user-defined from routine PitchCntrl, 2: user-defined from Simulink} (switch)
0.0 TPCOn - Time to enable active pitch control (s) [unused when PCMode=0]
3 VSContrl - Variable-speed control mode {0: none, 1: simple VS, 2: user-defined from routine UserVSCont, 3: user-defined from Simulink} (switch)
1800.0 VS_RtGnSp - Rated generator speed for simple variable-speed generator control (HSS side) (rpm) [used only when VSContrl=1]
8376.58 VS_RtTq - Rated generator torque/constant generator torque in Region 3 for simple variable-speed generator control (HSS side) (N-m) [used only when VSContrl=1]
0.002585 VS_Rgn2K - Generator torque constant in Region 2 for simple variable-speed generator control (HSS side) (N-m/rpm^2) [used only when VSContrl=1]
9999.9E-9 VS_SlPc - Rated generator slip percentage in Region 2 1/2 for simple variable-speed generator control (%) [used only when VSContrl=1]
1 GenModel - Generator model {1: simple, 2: Thevenin, 3: user-defined from routine UserGen} (switch) [used only when VSContrl=0]
True GenTiStr - Method to start the generator {T: timed using TimGenOn, F: generator speed using SpdGenOn} (flag)
True GenTiStp - Method to stop the generator {T: timed using TimGenOf, F: when generator power = 0} (flag)
9999.9 SpdGenOn - Generator speed to turn on the generator for a startup (HSS speed) (rpm) [used only when GenTiStr=False]
0.0 TimGenOn - Time to turn on the generator for a startup (s) [used only when GenTiStr=True]
9999.9 TimGenOf - Time to turn off the generator (s) [used only when GenTiStp=True]
1 HSSBrMode - HSS brake model {1: simple, 2: user-defined from routine UserHSSBr} (switch)
9999.9 THSSBrDp - Time to initiate deployment of the HSS brake (s)
9999.9 TiDynBrk - Time to initiate deployment of the dynamic generator brake [CURRENTLY IGNORED] (s)
9999.9 TTpBrDp(1) - Time to initiate deployment of tip brake 1 (s)
9999.9 TTpBrDp(2) - Time to initiate deployment of tip brake 2 (s)
9999.9 TTpBrDp(3) - Time to initiate deployment of tip brake 3 (s) [unused for 2 blades]
9999.9 TBDepISp(1) - Deployment-initiation speed for the tip brake on blade 1 (rpm)
9999.9 TBDepISp(2) - Deployment-initiation speed for the tip brake on blade 2 (rpm)
9999.9 TBDepISp(3) - Deployment-initiation speed for the tip brake on blade 3 (rpm) [unused for 2 blades]
9999.9 TYawManS - Time to start override yaw maneuver and end standard yaw control (s)
9999.9 TYawManE - Time at which override yaw maneuver reaches final yaw angle (s)
0.0 NacYawF - Final yaw angle for yaw maneuvers (degrees)
9999.9 TPitManS(1) - Time to start override pitch maneuver for blade 1 and end standard pitch control (s)
9999.9 TPitManS(2) - Time to start override pitch maneuver for blade 2 and end standard pitch control (s)
9999.9 TPitManS(3) - Time to start override pitch maneuver for blade 3 and end standard pitch control (s) [unused for 2 blades]
9999.9 TPitManE(1) - Time at which override pitch maneuver for blade 1 reaches final pitch (s)
9999.9 TPitManE(2) - Time at which override pitch maneuver for blade 2 reaches final pitch (s)
9999.9 TPitManE(3) - Time at which override pitch maneuver for blade 3 reaches final pitch (s) [unused for 2 blades]
0.0 BlPitch(1) - Blade 1 initial pitch (degrees)
0.0 BlPitch(2) - Blade 2 initial pitch (degrees)
0.0 BlPitch(3) - Blade 3 initial pitch (degrees) [unused for 2 blades]
2.6 BlPitchF(1) - Blade 1 final pitch for pitch maneuvers (degrees)
2.6 BlPitchF(2) - Blade 2 final pitch for pitch maneuvers (degrees)
2.6 BlPitchF(3) - Blade 3 final pitch for pitch maneuvers (degrees) [unused for 2 blades]
---------------------- ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS --------------------------------
9.80665 Gravity - Gravitational acceleration (m/s^2)
---------------------- FEATURE FLAGS -------------------------------------------
True FlapDOF1 - First flapwise blade mode DOF (flag)
True FlapDOF2 - Second flapwise blade mode DOF (flag)
True EdgeDOF - First edgewise blade mode DOF (flag)
False TeetDOF - Rotor-teeter DOF (flag) [unused for 3 blades]
True DrTrDOF - Drivetrain rotational-flexibility DOF (flag)
True GenDOF - Generator DOF (flag)
False YawDOF - Yaw DOF (flag)
True TwFADOF1 - First fore-aft tower bending-mode DOF (flag)
True TwFADOF2 - Second fore-aft tower bending-mode DOF (flag)
True TwSSDOF1 - First side-to-side tower bending-mode DOF (flag)
True TwSSDOF2 - Second side-to-side tower bending-mode DOF (flag)
True CompAero - Compute aerodynamic forces (flag)
False CompNoise - Compute aerodynamic noise (flag)
---------------------- INITIAL CONDITIONS --------------------------------------
0.0 OoPDefl - Initial out-of-plane blade-tip displacement (meters)
0.0 IPDefl - Initial in-plane blade-tip deflection (meters)
0.0 TeetDefl - Initial or fixed teeter angle (degrees) [unused for 3 blades]
0.0 Azimuth - Initial azimuth angle for blade 1 (degrees)
20.0 RotSpeed - Initial or fixed rotor speed (rpm)
0.0 NacYaw - Initial or fixed nacelle-yaw angle (degrees)
0.0 TTDspFA - Initial fore-aft tower-top displacement (meters)
0.0 TTDspSS - Initial side-to-side tower-top displacement (meters)
---------------------- TURBINE CONFIGURATION -----------------------------------
35.0 TipRad - The distance from the rotor apex to the blade tip (meters)
1.75 HubRad - The distance from the rotor apex to the blade root (meters)
1 PSpnElN - Number of the innermost blade element which is still part of the pitchable portion of the blade for partial-span pitch control [1 to BldNodes] [CURRENTLY IGNORED] (-)
0.0 UndSling - Undersling length [distance from teeter pin to the rotor apex] (meters) [unused for 3 blades]
0.0 HubCM - Distance from rotor apex to hub mass [positive downwind] (meters)
-3.3 OverHang - Distance from yaw axis to rotor apex [3 blades] or teeter pin [2 blades] (meters)
-0.1449 NacCMxn - Downwind distance from the tower-top to the nacelle CM (meters)
0.0 NacCMyn - Lateral distance from the tower-top to the nacelle CM (meters)
1.3890 NacCMzn - Vertical distance from the tower-top to the nacelle CM (meters)
82.39 TowerHt - Height of tower above ground level [onshore] or MSL [offshore] (meters)
1.61 Twr2Shft - Vertical distance from the tower-top to the rotor shaft (meters)
0.0 TwrRBHt - Tower rigid base height (meters)
-5.0 ShftTilt - Rotor shaft tilt angle (degrees)
0.0 Delta3 - Delta-3 angle for teetering rotors (degrees) [unused for 3 blades]
0.0 PreCone(1) - Blade 1 cone angle (degrees)
0.0 PreCone(2) - Blade 2 cone angle (degrees)
0.0 PreCone(3) - Blade 3 cone angle (degrees) [unused for 2 blades]
0.0 AzimB1Up - Azimuth value to use for I/O when blade 1 points up (degrees)
---------------------- MASS AND INERTIA ----------------------------------------
0.0 YawBrMass - Yaw bearing mass (kg)
51.170E3 NacMass - Nacelle mass (kg)
15.148E3 HubMass - Hub mass (kg)
100.0 TipMass(1) - Tip-brake mass, blade 1 (kg)
100.0 TipMass(2) - Tip-brake mass, blade 2 (kg)
100.0 TipMass(3) - Tip-brake mass, blade 3 (kg) [unused for 2 blades]
49.130E3 NacYIner - Nacelle inertia about yaw axis (kg m^2)
53.036 GenIner - Generator inertia about HSS (kg m^2)
34.600E3 HubIner - Hub inertia about rotor axis [3 blades] or teeter axis [2 blades] (kg m^2)
---------------------- DRIVETRAIN ----------------------------------------------
100.0 GBoxEff - Gearbox efficiency (%)
95.0 GenEff - Generator efficiency [ignored by the Thevenin and user-defined generator models] (%)
87.965 GBRatio - Gearbox ratio (-)
False GBRevers - Gearbox reversal {T: if rotor and generator rotate in opposite directions} (flag)
9999.9 HSSBrTqF - Fully deployed HSS-brake torque (N-m)
9999.9 HSSBrDT - Time for HSS-brake to reach full deployment once initiated (sec) [used only when HSSBrMode=1]
“” DynBrkFi - File containing a mech-gen-torque vs HSS-speed curve for a dynamic brake [CURRENTLY IGNORED] (quoted string)
5.6E9 DTTorSpr - Drivetrain torsional spring (N-m/rad)
1.0E7 DTTorDmp - Drivetrain torsional damper (N-m/(rad/s))
---------------------- SIMPLE INDUCTION GENERATOR ------------------------------
9999.9 SIG_SlPc - Rated generator slip percentage (%) [used only when VSContrl=0 and GenModel=1]
9999.9 SIG_SySp - Synchronous (zero-torque) generator speed (rpm) [used only when VSContrl=0 and GenModel=1]
9999.9 SIG_RtTq - Rated torque (N-m) [used only when VSContrl=0 and GenModel=1]
9999.9 SIG_PORt - Pull-out ratio (Tpullout/Trated) (-) [used only when VSContrl=0 and GenModel=1]
---------------------- THEVENIN-EQUIVALENT INDUCTION GENERATOR -----------------
9999.9 TEC_Freq - Line frequency [50 or 60] (Hz) [used only when VSContrl=0 and GenModel=2]
9998 TEC_NPol - Number of poles [even integer > 0] (-) [used only when VSContrl=0 and GenModel=2]
9999.9 TEC_SRes - Stator resistance (ohms) [used only when VSContrl=0 and GenModel=2]
9999.9 TEC_RRes - Rotor resistance (ohms) [used only when VSContrl=0 and GenModel=2]
9999.9 TEC_VLL - Line-to-line RMS voltage (volts) [used only when VSContrl=0 and GenModel=2]
9999.9 TEC_SLR - Stator leakage reactance (ohms) [used only when VSContrl=0 and GenModel=2]
9999.9 TEC_RLR - Rotor leakage reactance (ohms) [used only when VSContrl=0 and GenModel=2]
9999.9 TEC_MR - Magnetizing reactance (ohms) [used only when VSContrl=0 and GenModel=2]
---------------------- PLATFORM ------------------------------------------------
0 PtfmModel - Platform model {0: none, 1: onshore, 2: fixed bottom offshore, 3: floating offshore} (switch)
“” PtfmFile - Name of file containing platform properties (quoted string) [unused when PtfmModel=0]
---------------------- TOWER ---------------------------------------------------
10 TwrNodes - Number of tower nodes used for analysis (-)
“C:\users\Yolanda\FAST\CertTest\Baseline_Tower.dat” TwrFile - Name of file containing tower properties (quoted string)
---------------------- NACELLE-YAW ---------------------------------------------
0.0 YawSpr - Nacelle-yaw spring constant (N-m/rad)
0.0 YawDamp - Nacelle-yaw damping constant (N-m/(rad/s))
0.0 YawNeut - Neutral yaw position–yaw spring force is zero at this yaw (degrees)
---------------------- FURLING -------------------------------------------------
False Furling - Read in additional model properties for furling turbine (flag)
“” FurlFile - Name of file containing furling properties (quoted string) [unused when Furling=False]
---------------------- ROTOR-TEETER --------------------------------------------
0 TeetMod - Rotor-teeter spring/damper model {0: none, 1: standard, 2: user-defined from routine UserTeet} (switch) [unused for 3 blades]
0.0 TeetDmpP - Rotor-teeter damper position (degrees) [used only for 2 blades and when TeetMod=1]
0.0 TeetDmp - Rotor-teeter damping constant (N-m/(rad/s)) [used only for 2 blades and when TeetMod=1]
0.0 TeetCDmp - Rotor-teeter rate-independent Coulomb-damping moment (N-m) [used only for 2 blades and when TeetMod=1]
0.0 TeetSStP - Rotor-teeter soft-stop position (degrees) [used only for 2 blades and when TeetMod=1]
0.0 TeetHStP - Rotor-teeter hard-stop position (degrees) [used only for 2 blades and when TeetMod=1]
0.0 TeetSSSp - Rotor-teeter soft-stop linear-spring constant (N-m/rad) [used only for 2 blades and when TeetMod=1]
0.0 TeetHSSp - Rotor-teeter hard-stop linear-spring constant (N-m/rad) [used only for 2 blades and when TeetMod=1]
---------------------- TIP-BRAKE -----------------------------------------------
0.0 TBDrConN - Tip-brake drag constant during normal operation, CdArea (m^2)
0.0 TBDrConD - Tip-brake drag constant during fully-deployed operation, Cd
Area (m^2)
0.0 TpBrDT - Time for tip-brake to reach full deployment once released (sec)
---------------------- BLADE ---------------------------------------------------
“C:\users\Yolanda\FAST\CertTest\Baseline_Blade.dat” BldFile(1) - Name of file containing properties for blade 1 (quoted string)
“C:\users\Yolanda\FAST\CertTest\Baseline_Blade.dat” BldFile(2) - Name of file containing properties for blade 2 (quoted string)
“C:\users\Yolanda\FAST\CertTest\Baseline_Blade.dat” BldFile(3) - Name of file containing properties for blade 3 (quoted string) [unused for 2 blades]
---------------------- AERODYN -------------------------------------------------
“C:\users\Yolanda\FAST\CertTest\Test13Acho1_AD.ipt” ADFile - Name of file containing AeroDyn input parameters (quoted string)
---------------------- NOISE ---------------------------------------------------
“” NoiseFile - Name of file containing aerodynamic noise input parameters (quoted string) [used only when CompNoise=True]
---------------------- ADAMS ---------------------------------------------------
“C:\users\Yolanda\FAST\CertTest\Baseline_ADAMS.dat” ADAMSFile - Name of file containing ADAMS-specific input parameters (quoted string) [unused when ADAMSPrep=1]
---------------------- LINEARIZATION CONTROL -----------------------------------
“C:\users\Yolanda\FAST\CertTest\Baseline_Linear.dat” LinFile - Name of file containing FAST linearization parameters (quoted string) [unused when AnalMode=1]
---------------------- OUTPUT --------------------------------------------------
True SumPrint - Print summary data to “.fsm” (flag)
1 OutFileFmt - Format for tabular (time-marching) output file(s) (1: text file [.out], 2: binary file [.outb], 3: both) (switch)
True TabDelim - Generate a tab-delimited tabular output file. (flag)
“ES10.3E2” OutFmt - Format used for tabular output except time. Resulting field should be 10 characters. (quoted string) [not checked for validity!]
0.0 TStart - Time to begin tabular output (s)
1 DecFact - Decimation factor for tabular output {1: output every time step} (-)
1.0 SttsTime - Amount of time between screen status messages (sec)
0.0 NcIMUxn - Downwind distance from the tower-top to the nacelle IMU (meters)
0.0 NcIMUyn - Lateral distance from the tower-top to the nacelle IMU (meters)
0.0 NcIMUzn - Vertical distance from the tower-top to the nacelle IMU (meters)
0.99 ShftGagL - Distance from rotor apex [3 blades] or teeter pin [2 blades] to shaft strain gages [positive for upwind rotors] (meters)
3 NTwGages - Number of tower nodes that have strain gages for output [0 to 9] (-)
1,4,10 TwrGagNd - List of tower nodes that have strain gages [1 to TwrNodes] (-) [unused if NTwGages=0]
0 NBlGages - Number of blade nodes that have strain gages for output [0 to 9] (-)
0 BldGagNd - List of blade nodes that have strain gages [1 to BldNodes] (-) [unused if NBlGages=0]
OutList - The next line(s) contains a list of output parameters. See OutList.txt for a listing of available output channels, (-)
END of FAST input file (the word “END” must appear in the first 3 columns of this last line).


Could I adapt Energies.fst to a text-formatted input file FAST v8.16?
If it’s not possible would be possible to run the model with any standard primary input file FAST v8.16?

The sfun_time function I think I can remove from the model without any prejudice.

Best wishes,

Dear Jonathan,

Your input file is formatted for FAST v7. You must convert this model to FAST v8 format if you wish to use FAST v8. The FAST v8 archive includes documentation and scripts to help you convert a model from FAST v7 to FAST v8.

Best regards,

Dear Jonathan and Professor Jonkman,

Thanks for talking about this, my research group ran into the same issue this week and this is why I registered on this site to begin with (by the way, let me introduce myself, I am Feliks Mikhailovich Kirilenko, a student in energy generation technologies of Saratov State University in Russia, and I am writing a master’s thesis on wind energy in cold climates). I have used your method and solved the issue.

Dear Jason,

I find something wired regarding FAST v8 when I run the 5MW baseline turbine model recently. The question is that with the blade edge DOF switch on or off, I see very similar blade flap loads on the non-rotating frame. Actually, the outputs of FAST are quite similar on the relevant signals (e.g. RootMxb1) under the two scenarios. Should RootMxb1 be close to zero when the blade edge DOF is off?

I try to attach the figures for blade edge DOF on and off.
This is the one with blade edge DOF off.

This is the one with blade edge DOF on.

The difference seems to be more oscillations on the blade edgewise signls but the magnitude is similar.
Hope you can give me some hint. Thanks a lot.

Dear @Xiao.Wang,

ElastoDyn will not output blade-edgewise reaction loads that are zero-valued when the blade-edgewise DOF is disabled. Given that the ElastoDyn representation of the wind turbine is not statically indeterminate, the structural reaction loads can be calculated regardless of which DOFs are enabled.

To fully interpret your results, can you clarify what the rotor speed and pitch angles of the three blades are?

Best regards,

Hi Jason,

Sorry for the late reply. I just ran the baseline controller for the NREL 5MW turbine, but some step-disturbances are added to the generator torque and pitch angle periodically to create rich simulation data. I guess that is the reason as you mentioned “the structural reaction loads can be calculated regardless of which DOFs are enabled”. Could you let me know which signals should be zero when the blade edgewise DOF is off? Thanks a lot.

Dear @Xiao.Wang,

I would not expect most outputs signals to be zero when the blade edgewise DOFs are disabled, except for ElastoDyn ouputs Q_BE1, QD_BE1, and QDD_B*E1 (where * refers to the blade number 1, 2, or 3).

Best regards,

Thank you Jason. Further to your replies, could you let me know which FAST version starts to integrate these variables in the output list? I am currently use v8.16, not sure if they are available.


Dear @Xiao.Wang,

Yes, these internal DOF outputs of ElastoDyn are available in FAST v8.16.

Best regards,