FAST-linearization of a wind turbine with pitch imbalance

Dear all,

I am performing linearization analysis using FAST (3-bladed NREL 1.5 MW). I want to linearize a wind turbine with pitch imbalance, e.g. an pitch offset of 0° / 0.3° / -0.3° for the three blades. It is appreciated if someone could give me a hint for linearizing thus a wind turbine by using FAST.

Thanks in advance.

Best wishes to you all

Chao Yang
Aalborg university, Denmark

Dear Chao,

A similar question was asked and answered in the following forum topic: Linearization in FAST with unbalanced Rotor.

Best regards,

Dear Jason,

Thank you very much for your fast reply.

I have read your mentioned topic “viewtopic.php?f=4&t=866”. But the topic is about lineariztion of an unbalance wind turbine with different blade mass. Now what i want to do is to linearize a wind turbine with different pitch mounting angle. What i mean about the so-called pitch mounting angle is the initial pitch angle when we mounting the three blades.

Hope you could give me some advises on how to linearize thus a wind turbine with different pitch mounting angle, e.g. 0° / 0.3° / -0.3° for the three blades.

Thanks again and best wishes.

Chao Yang
Aalborg university, Denmark

Dear Chao,

You can set different initial pitch angles so as to create an aerodynamic imbalance in a FAST linearization analysis except when using the TrimCase = 3 (find collective pitch) option for calculating a periodic steady state solution.

Best regards,

Dear Jason,

Thanks a lot for your guidance. I will try it.

Kind regards

Chao Yang

Aalborg University, Denmark