Dear Jason,
I guess what you are trying to say that my turbsim file is incompatible with the aerodyn file of my model, i am sending my aerodyn input and wind input file, kindly tell me what is wrong with it as i tried a lot but not achieving any success.
------- AERODYN v15.03.* INPUT FILE ------------------------------------------------
NREL 5.0 MW offshore baseline aerodynamic input properties.
====== General Options ============================================================================
False Echo - Echo the input to “.AD.ech”? (flag)
“default” DTAero - Time interval for aerodynamic calculations {or “default”} (s)
1 WakeMod - Type of wake/induction model (switch) {0=none, 1=BEMT}
2 AFAeroMod - Type of blade airfoil aerodynamics model (switch) {1=steady model, 2=Beddoes-Leishman unsteady model}
1 TwrPotent - Type tower influence on wind based on potential flow around the tower (switch) {0=none, 1=baseline potential flow, 2=potential flow with Bak correction}
False TwrShadow – Calculate tower influence on wind based on downstream tower shadow? (flag)
True TwrAero - Calculate tower aerodynamic loads? (flag)
False FrozenWake - Assume frozen wake during linearization? (flag) [used only when WakeMod=1 and when linearizing]
====== Environmental Conditions ===================================================================
1.225 AirDens - Air density (kg/m^3)
1.464E-05 KinVisc - Kinematic air viscosity (m^2/s)
335 SpdSound - Speed of sound (m/s)
====== Blade-Element/Momentum Theory Options ====================================================== [used only when WakeMod=1]
2 SkewMod - Type of skewed-wake correction model (switch) {1=uncoupled, 2=Pitt/Peters, 3=coupled} [used only when WakeMod=1]
True TipLoss - Use the Prandtl tip-loss model? (flag) [used only when WakeMod=1]
True HubLoss - Use the Prandtl hub-loss model? (flag) [used only when WakeMod=1]
true TanInd - Include tangential induction in BEMT calculations? (flag) [used only when WakeMod=1]
False AIDrag - Include the drag term in the axial-induction calculation? (flag) [used only when WakeMod=1]
False TIDrag - Include the drag term in the tangential-induction calculation? (flag) [used only when WakeMod=1 and TanInd=TRUE]
“Default” IndToler - Convergence tolerance for BEMT nonlinear solve residual equation {or “default”} (-) [used only when WakeMod=1]
100 MaxIter - Maximum number of iteration steps (-) [used only when WakeMod=1]
====== Beddoes-Leishman Unsteady Airfoil Aerodynamics Options ===================================== [used only when AFAeroMod=2]
3 UAMod - Unsteady Aero Model Switch (switch) {1=Baseline model (Original), 2=Gonzalez’s variant (changes in Cn,Cc,Cm), 3=Minemma/Pierce variant (changes in Cc and Cm)} [used only when AFAeroMod=2]
True FLookup - Flag to indicate whether a lookup for f’ will be calculated (TRUE) or whether best-fit exponential equations will be used (FALSE); if FALSE S1-S4 must be provided in airfoil input files (flag) [used only when AFAeroMod=2]
====== Airfoil Information =========================================================================
1 InCol_Alfa - The column in the airfoil tables that contains the angle of attack (-)
2 InCol_Cl - The column in the airfoil tables that contains the lift coefficient (-)
3 InCol_Cd - The column in the airfoil tables that contains the drag coefficient (-)
4 InCol_Cm - The column in the airfoil tables that contains the pitching-moment coefficient; use zero if there is no Cm column (-)
0 InCol_Cpmin - The column in the airfoil tables that contains the Cpmin coefficient; use zero if there is no Cpmin column (-)
8 NumAFfiles - Number of airfoil files used (-)
“Airfoils/Cylinder1.dat” AFNames - Airfoil file names (NumAFfiles lines) (quoted strings)
====== Rotor/Blade Properties =====================================================================
True UseBlCm - Include aerodynamic pitching moment in calculations? (flag)
“NRELOffshrBsline5MW_AeroDyn_blade.dat” ADBlFile(1) - Name of file containing distributed aerodynamic properties for Blade #1 (-)
“NRELOffshrBsline5MW_AeroDyn_blade.dat” ADBlFile(2) - Name of file containing distributed aerodynamic properties for Blade #2 (-) [unused if NumBl < 2]
“NRELOffshrBsline5MW_AeroDyn_blade.dat” ADBlFile(3) - Name of file containing distributed aerodynamic properties for Blade #3 (-) [unused if NumBl < 3]
====== Tower Influence and Aerodynamics ============================================================= [used only when TwrPotent/=0, TwrShadow=True, or TwrAero=True]
12 NumTwrNds - Number of tower nodes used in the analysis (-) [used only when TwrPotent/=0, TwrShadow=True, or TwrAero=True]
TwrElev TwrDiam TwrCd
(m) (m) (-)
0.0000000E+00 6.0000000E+00 1.0000000E+00
8.5261000E+00 5.7870000E+00 1.0000000E+00
1.7053000E+01 5.5740000E+00 1.0000000E+00
2.5579000E+01 5.3610000E+00 1.0000000E+00
3.4105000E+01 5.1480000E+00 1.0000000E+00
4.2633000E+01 4.9350000E+00 1.0000000E+00
5.1158000E+01 4.7220000E+00 1.0000000E+00
5.9685000E+01 4.5090000E+00 1.0000000E+00
6.8211000E+01 4.2960000E+00 1.0000000E+00
7.6738000E+01 4.0830000E+00 1.0000000E+00
8.5268000E+01 3.8700000E+00 1.0000000E+00
8.7600000E+01 3.8700000E+00 1.0000000E+00
====== Outputs ====================================================================================
True SumPrint - Generate a summary file listing input options and interpolated properties to “.AD.sum”? (flag)
0 NBlOuts - Number of blade node outputs [0 - 9] (-)
1, 9, 19 BlOutNd - Blade nodes whose values will be output (-)
0 NTwOuts - Number of tower node outputs [0 - 9] (-)
1, 2, 6 TwOutNd - Tower nodes whose values will be output (-)
OutList - The next line(s) contains a list of output parameters. See OutListParameters.xlsx for a listing of available output channels, (-)
END of input file (the word “END” must appear in the first 3 columns of this last OutList line)
and here is the wind input file(11p4mps.wnd)
TurbSim Input File. Valid for TurbSim v1.50; 17-May-2010; Example file that can be used with simulations for the NREL 5MW Baseline Turbine
---------Runtime Options-----------------------------------
2090630798 The first seed
RanLux RandSeed2 - Second random seed (-2147483648 to 2147483647) for intrinsic pRNG, or an alternative pRNG: “RanLux” or “RNSNLW”
False WrBHHTP - Output hub-height turbulence parameters in binary form? (Generates RootName.bin)
False WrFHHTP - Output hub-height turbulence parameters in formatted form? (Generates RootName.dat)
False WrADHH - Output hub-height time-series data in AeroDyn form? (Generates RootName.hh)
True WrADFF - Output full-field time-series data in TurbSim/AeroDyn form? (Generates RootName.bts)
True WrBLFF - Output full-field time-series data in BLADED/AeroDyn form? (Generates RootName.wnd)
True WrADTWR - Output tower time-series data? (Generates RootName.twr)
False WrFMTFF - Output full-field time-series data in formatted (readable) form? (Generates RootName.u, RootName.v, RootName.w)
False WrACT - Output coherent turbulence time steps in AeroDyn form? (Generates RootName.cts)
True Clockwise - Clockwise rotation looking downwind? (used only for full-field binary files - not necessary for AeroDyn)
0 ScaleIEC - Scale IEC turbulence models to exact target standard deviation? [0=no additional scaling; 1=use hub scale uniformly; 2=use individual scales]
--------Turbine/Model Specifications-----------------------
31 NumGrid_Z - Vertical grid-point matrix dimension
31 NumGrid_Y - Horizontal grid-point matrix dimension
0.01 TimeStep - Time step [seconds]
600.0 AnalysisTime - Length of analysis time series [seconds]
10.0 UsableTime - Usable length of output time series [seconds] (program will add GridWidth/MeanHHWS seconds)
90.0 HubHt - Hub height [m] (should be > 0.5GridHeight)
170.0 GridHeight - Grid height [m]
170.0 GridWidth - Grid width [m] (should be >= 2(RotorRadius+ShaftLength))
0 VFlowAng - Vertical mean flow (uptilt) angle [degrees]
0 HFlowAng - Horizontal mean flow (skew) angle [degrees]
--------Meteorological Boundary Conditions-------------------
IECKAI TurbModel - Turbulence model (“IECKAI”=Kaimal, “IECVKM”=von Karman, “GP_LLJ”, “NWTCUP”, “SMOOTH”, “WF_UPW”, “WF_07D”, “WF_14D”, or “NONE”)
“1-ed3” IECstandard - Number of IEC 61400-x standard (x=1,2, or 3 with optional 61400-1 edition number (i.e. “1-Ed2”) )
“A” IECturbc - IEC turbulence characteristic (“A”, “B”, “C” or the turbulence intensity in percent) (“KHTEST” option with NWTCUP, not used for other models)
NTM IEC_WindType - IEC turbulence type (“NTM”=normal, “xETM”=extreme turbulence, “xEWM1”=extreme 1-year wind, “xEWM50”=extreme 50-year wind, where x=wind turbine class 1, 2, or 3)
default ETMc - IEC Extreme turbulence model “c” parameter [m/s]
default WindProfileType - Wind profile type (“JET”=Low-level jet,“LOG”=Logarithmic,“PL”=Power law, or “default”, or “USR”=User-defined)
87.2876 RefHt - Height of the reference wind speed [m]
11.4 URef - Mean (total) wind speed at the reference height [m/s]
default ZJetMax - Jet height [m] (used only for JET wind profile, valid 70-490 m)
default PLExp - Power law exponent [-] (or “default”)
default Z0 - Surface roughness length [m] (or “default”)
--------Non-IEC Meteorological Boundary Conditions------------
[0] Latitude - Site latitude [degrees] (or “default”)
0.05 RICH_NO - Gradient Richardson number
default UStar - Friction or shear velocity [m/s] (or “default”)
default ZI - Mixing layer depth [m] (or “default”)
default PC_UW - Hub mean u’w’ Reynolds stress [(m/s)^2] (or “default”)
default PC_UV - Hub mean u’v’ Reynolds stress [(m/s)^2] (or “default”)
default PC_VW - Hub mean v’w’ Reynolds stress [(m/s)^2] (or “default”)
default IncDec1 - u-component coherence parameters (e.g. “10.0 0.3e-3” in quotes) (or “default”)
default IncDec2 - v-component coherence parameters (e.g. “10.0 0.3e-3” in quotes) (or “default”)
default IncDec3 - w-component coherence parameters (e.g. “10.0 0.3e-3” in quotes) (or “default”)
default CohExp - Coherence exponent (or “default”)
--------Coherent Turbulence Scaling Parameters-------------------
“E:\TurbSim_v150\EventData” CTEventPath - Name of the path where event data files are located
“Random” CTEventFile - Type of event files (“random”, “les” or “dns”)
true Randomize - Randomize disturbance scale and location? (true/false)
1.0 DistScl - Disturbance scale (ratio of dataset height to rotor disk).
0.5 CTLy - Fractional location of tower centerline from right (looking downwind) to left side of the dataset.
0.5 CTLz - Fractional location of hub height from the bottom of the dataset.
30.0 CTStartTime - Minimum start time for coherent structures in RootName.cts [seconds]
And here is the inflow wind file where i have called the turbsim file
------- InflowWind v3.01.* INPUT FILE -------------------------------------------------------------------------
12 m/s turbulent winds on 31x31 FF grid and tower for FAST CertTests #18, #19, #21, #22, #23, and #24
False Echo - Echo input data to .ech (flag)
3 WindType - switch for wind file type (1=steady; 2=uniform; 3=binary TurbSim FF; 4=binary Bladed-style FF; 5=HAWC format; 6=User defined)
0 PropagationDir - Direction of wind propagation (meteoroligical rotation from aligned with X (positive rotates towards -Y) – degrees)
1 NWindVel - Number of points to output the wind velocity (0 to 9)
0 WindVxiList - List of coordinates in the inertial X direction (m)
0 WindVyiList - List of coordinates in the inertial Y direction (m)
90 WindVziList - List of coordinates in the inertial Z direction (m)
================== Parameters for Steady Wind Conditions [used only for WindType = 1] =========================
10 HWindSpeed - Horizontal windspeed (m/s)
90 RefHt - Reference height for horizontal wind speed (m)
0.2 PLexp - Power law exponent (-)
================== Parameters for Uniform wind file [used only for WindType = 2] ============================
“Wind/90m_12mps_twr.bts” Filename - Filename of time series data for uniform wind field. (-)
90 RefHt - Reference height for horizontal wind speed (m)
125.88 RefLength - Reference length for linear horizontal and vertical sheer (-)
================== Parameters for Binary TurbSim Full-Field files [used only for WindType = 3] ==============
“Wind/11p4mps.bts” Filename - Name of the Full field wind file to use (.bts)
================== Parameters for Binary Bladed-style Full-Field files [used only for WindType = 4] =========
“Wind/90m_12mps_twr” FilenameRoot - Rootname of the full-field wind file to use (.wnd, .sum)
False TowerFile - Have tower file (.twr) (flag)
================== Parameters for HAWC-format binary files [Only used with WindType = 5] =====================
“wasp\Output\basic_5u.bin” FileName_u - name of the file containing the u-component fluctuating wind (.bin)
“wasp\Output\basic_5v.bin” FileName_v - name of the file containing the v-component fluctuating wind (.bin)
“wasp\Output\basic_5w.bin” FileName_w - name of the file containing the w-component fluctuating wind (.bin)
600 nx - number of grids in the x direction (in the 3 files above) (-)
320 ny - number of grids in the y direction (in the 3 files above) (-)
320 nz - number of grids in the z direction (in the 3 files above) (-)
16 dx - distance (in meters) between points in the x direction (m)
3 dy - distance (in meters) between points in the y direction (m)
3 dz - distance (in meters) between points in the z direction (m)
90 RefHt - reference height; the height (in meters) of the vertical center of the grid (m)
------------- Scaling parameters for turbulence ---------------------------------------------------------
1 ScaleMethod - Turbulence scaling method [0 = none, 1 = direct scaling, 2 = calculate scaling factor based on a desired standard deviation]
1 SFx - Turbulence scaling factor for the x direction (-) [ScaleMethod=1]
1 SFy - Turbulence scaling factor for the y direction (-) [ScaleMethod=1]
1 SFz - Turbulence scaling factor for the z direction (-) [ScaleMethod=1]
12 SigmaFx - Turbulence standard deviation to calculate scaling from in x direction (m/s) [ScaleMethod=2]
8 SigmaFy - Turbulence standard deviation to calculate scaling from in y direction (m/s) [ScaleMethod=2]
2 SigmaFz - Turbulence standard deviation to calculate scaling from in z direction (m/s) [ScaleMethod=2]
------------- Mean wind profile parameters (added to HAWC-format files) ---------------------------------
15 URef - Mean u-component wind speed at the reference height (m/s)
2 WindProfile - Wind profile type (0=constant;1=logarithmic,2=power law)
0.2 PLExp - Power law exponent (-) (used for PL wind profile type only)
0.03 Z0 - Surface roughness length (m) (used for LG wind profile type only)
====================== OUTPUT ==================================================
False SumPrint - Print summary data to .IfW.sum (flag)
OutList - The next line(s) contains a list of output parameters. See OutListParameters.xlsx for a listing of available output channels, (-)
“Wind1VelX” X-direction wind velocity at point WindList(1)
“Wind1VelY” Y-direction wind velocity at point WindList(1)
“Wind1VelZ” Z-direction wind velocity at point WindList(1)
END of input file (the word “END” must appear in the first 3 columns of this last OutList line)
Kindly reply as soon as possible