Drive-train model validation (Compared to FAST)

Dear Jason,

Thank you very much for your responses once again. I apologize for incorrectly comparing the wrong moments, I have no corrected this mistake. Please excuse me.

I have been looking at the RtAeroCp values and I see that for most of my simulations they exceed Betz limit. Searching the forum I have found various discussions for how this is calculated, though most of it surrounds FASTv7.
Such as [url]Betz law and RotCp], [url]problem with AeroDYn 15 - #4 by Jason.Jonkman] and [url]Pitch rate in Fast v7 - #13 by Jason.Jonkman].

The following simulations were done using the default setup and baseline controller, with the configuration file from CertTest Test18.fst, with 151 different seeds for the full-field wind files.

I’m uncertain why the simulations are so consistently exceeding the limit. If a the Cp value obtained from FAST is to be used for something practical, should it be saturated to Betz limit or something similar? I also believe that I have read somewhere and seen from other peoples work on the turbine, that the max Cp for the 5mW reference turbine is in the range 0.48-0.5, which is exceeded at a much greater extent than Betz limit.

Once again, I really appreciate that the responses and help.

Best regards,

Thomas Enevoldsen