Design Load Cases for FOWT

Hi everyone,

I am working on a FOWT platform design and I used the IEC standards for my preliminary load analysis. In order to understand better the design load cases, I read with interest the chapter 5 of the Dynamics Modeling and Loads Analysis of an Offshore Floating Wind Turbine. But when I count the DLC total number, I get 1560 cases when I should get 2190 cases. So I guess that I miss an important information and that worries me for my study.
I’ve summarized my calculation on the following picture.
Do you have by chance any idea what the missing cases are?

Best regards

Dear Marie,

I see three problems with your matrix:

  • DLC 1.4 involves both positive and negative direction changes, for a total of 108 simulations.
  • DLC 1.5 involves both positive and negative changes in shear, for both vertical and horizontal shears, for a total of 792 simulations.
  • DLC 2.3 does not consider a separate set of simulations at V_r (this is a typo in that Table), for a total of 54 simulations.

I hope that helps.

Best regards,

Thank you Jason (and thank you for the speed of your reply), that is very helpful !

Best regards,