Dear all,
I am a little confused about the definition and outputs of the rotor and Blades’ azimuth angles. I am studying the effect of Blade passing on the tower wind loads, and need therefore accurate information of the rotor and blade positions.
After reading the Manuals, I have used the Inputs Azimuth=0 and AzimB1Up=0 in ElastoDyn, which I thought would lead to the simulations always starting with Blade1 looking up (and that would be Azimuth=0). To check, I used the outputs Azimuth, BXAzimuth and TipclrncX (X=1,2,3). Looking at the results, the Azimuth and Tipclrnc outputs seem to confirm my hypothesis, but the outputs BXAzimuth start with an azimuth offset of around 100°. Am I not understanding something?
I am using the NREL5MW turbine, I attach a figure with the results and the ElastoDyn, Aerodyn and Primary Fast inputs.
Thanks a lot in advance for your help,
Robert Fontecha