Controller for extreme loads simulations

Dear @Jason.Jonkman,

I was looking to run few extreme cases like EOG (DLC 2.3 ed4), 2.4 control system fault (DLC 2.3 ed4), DLC 2.1 (DLC 2.3 ed4) as well as Storm DLC like DLC 6.1, 6.2 etc.

I was planning to run the simulations for the 5MW_Land_DLL_WTurb config. I need some help in defining the controllers for the same.

  • Is there already controllers for such DLC’c for the specific config
  • If not, how can I create them. (any reference would be very helpful)
  • In such controllers, where will I give the input if it’s a gust, fault, etc… and at what time of simulations it should act etc. (when I checked NRELOffshrBsline5MW_Onshore_ServoDyn.dat, I couldn’t find such parameters)

Best regards,

Dear @Karthik.Prakash,

I’m not familiar with ROSCO’s capabilities regarding how it deals with faults and shutdowns, but you can review ROSCO capability here: GitHub - NREL/ROSCO: A Reference Open Source Controller for Wind Turbines.

Alternatively, the ServoDyn module itself has functionality that can be used to override the controller to force faults and shut downs. For example, you can override the pitch controller to force a pitch fault or override the torque controller to force a loss of grid through settings in the ServoDyn input file.

I wouldn’t expect DLCs 6.1 and 6.2 to have active control.

Best regards,

Dear @Jason.Jonkman

Thanks a lot for the quick response as always. May I know if there is any example configurations where such cases has been simulated, so that I have a baseline to start with.

Best regards,

Dear @Karthik.Prakash,

A couple of the OpenFAST r-tests simulate shutdown events:

Please see the “Simulating Special Events” Section of the “Controls” Chapter of the old FAST User’s Guide ( ) for information on how to simulate various faults.

My PhD-thesis turned NREL report also explains how we simulated fault cases such as DLC 2.1 and 2.3 for the NREL 5-MW baseline wind turbine:

Best regards,