Good day everyone,
I am trying to compile TurbSim under Linux using g95 compiler.
At first I was getting an error message saying that my compiler needs 8 random seed instead of two. Taking this post [url]Compiling FAST under Linux with gfortran - #6 by Bonnie.Jonkman] as a reference I finally fixed this error.
Currently the error message I get is:
At line 7167 of file ./AllSource/TSsubs.f90 (unit = 16, file = ‘TurbSim.wnd’)
Fortran runtime error: I/O past end of record on unformatted file
Corresponding line is the write statement of the heading of binary BS file:
[code]IF ( WrBLFF ) THEN
CALL WrScr ( ' Generating BLADED binary time-series file "'//TRIM( RootName )//'.wnd"' )
! Put header information into the binary data file.
WRITE (UBFFW) INT( -99 , B2Ki ) ! -99 = New Bladed format
WRITE (UBFFW) INT( 4 , B2Ki ) ! 4 = improved von karman (but needed for next 7 inputs)
WRITE (UBFFW) INT( 3 , B8Ki ) ! 3 = number of wind components <======== This is line 7167***********************************************************
WRITE (UBFFW) REAL( Latitude , SiKi ) ! Latitude (degrees)
WRITE (UBFFW) REAL( z0 , SiKi ) ! Roughness length (m)
WRITE (UBFFW) REAL( Ztmp , SiKi ) ! Reference Height (m) ( Z(1) + GridHeight / 2.0 )
WRITE (UBFFW) REAL( 100.0*TI(1) , SiKi ) ! Longitudinal turbulence intensity (%)
WRITE (UBFFW) REAL( 100.0*TI(2) , SiKi ) ! Lateral turbulence intensity (%)
WRITE (UBFFW) REAL( 100.0*TI(3) , SiKi ) ! Vertical turbulence intensity (%)
WRITE (UBFFW) REAL( GridRes_Z , SiKi ) ! grid spacing in vertical direction, in m
WRITE (UBFFW) REAL( GridRes_Y , SiKi ) ! grid spacing in lateral direction, in m
WRITE (UBFFW) REAL( TimeStep*UHub , SiKi ) ! grid spacing in longitudinal direciton, in m[/code]
Any help is highly appreciated.
Thank you