Beginner to Simulink and FAST V7

Hi Bonnie,

Thank you for your explanation.
With all your instructions I have compiled FAST_SFunc for both 32 and 64 bits.
However, when I try to use them, MATLAB is crashed.

I am trying to run a simulation with the NRELOffshrBsline5MW_OC3Hywind but it does not worked. I don’t really understand what you said in another post: "FAST v7 as distributed does not run the 5MW models. The primary reason is that the Bladed-style DLL controller requires a separate compilation. If you want to run the 5MW model in Simulink, you’ll have to recompile FAST_SFunc using the appropriate source files for the Bladed Interface. " from AeroDyn Feedback

  1. How can I use the appropriate DLL file during the compilation?

I have tried to use the one available in the OC3 file: FAST_v7.02.00d-bjj_AeroDyn_v13.00.02a-bjj_BladedDLLInterface_OC3Hywind by remplacing the FAST bladed DLL but the FAST_SFUNC mex after compilation is the same.
2) How can I use the three following files included in the OC3 folder?

  • FAST_v7.02.00d-bjj_AeroDyn_v13.00.02a-bjj_BladedDLLInterface_OC3Hywind
  • DISCON.f90

I feel desperate because I am not able to run a linearization of the OC3 model…
Thank you very much for your help.