6x6 Stiffness Matrix of NREL5 MW Turbine

Dear Albert,

Looking back at Test26 from the FAST v8.12 archive, indeed the edgewise sectional CG offsets are missing from the BeamDyn blade input file containing the sectional 6x6 stiffness and mass matrices. I don’t remember the exact reasoning for this, but we must have simplified the blade (by removing the edgewise sectional CG offsets) to better match Test18, which is the similar to Test26, but using ElastoDyn in place of BeamDyn. Sorry for the confusion, However, a BeamDyn model of the same NREL 5-MW baseline blade with the edgewise sectional CG offsets included is provided in the CertTest directory of the standalone BeamDyn archive: nwtc.nrel.gov/BeamDyn.

For an explanation of the local blade coordinate system (x_l, y_l, z_l), see the following forum topic: Section coordinate system in BeamDyn.

The NREL 5-MW specifications report identifies the source of the EdgecgOf data.

Best regards,