Would like to know the calculation formula of mooring system considering Wave Kinematics and Currents

Dear everyone,
I want to know how the mooring system takes into account Wave Kinematics and Currents action for the whole floating wind turbine. I noticed that the MoorDynv2 version takes these two things into account. Now I want to take a look at the source code of MoorDynv2 to see how it takes these two things into account when calculating. I am not so familiar with c language and fortran language, I downloaded the file moordyn.f90, but it is difficult to find the corresponding formula considering the mooring Wave Kinematics and Currents action, such as the following

I would like to know the version of fortran language, in which file should I find the formula of how to calculate and consider wave motion and fluid action

Best regards,

Hi @Yushun.Fu, I can point you in a few directions that hopefully are helpful. First, I would suggest looking at the MoorDyn documentation for a general idea of the structure of the code and some of the publications laying out the theory. Additionally the docs contain an example water kinematics file. In that file you need to provide a current profile as well as define a wave grid and provide a wave elevation file.

If you are looking in the source code for where forces are calculated on a line, then look at the subroutine Line_GetStateDeriv in MoorDyn_Line.f90. MoorDyn calculates equation 15 above for each node in the line, and then integrates using the MoorDyn.f90 file.

For MoorDyn’s handling of waves and currents, then you should look at the subroutines setupWaterKin and getWaterKin in MoorDyn_Misc.f90.

Thank you for your reply, which has helped me a lot