Dear Michael,
The reference monopile for the NREL 5-MW baseline turbine is quite stiff, so, the wave loads may only have a small influence on the tower deflection. My guess is that the aerodynamic load-induced motions are dominating the wave load-induced motions in your simulation, which is why are you not noticing any differences.
The applied wind and wave loads are not outputs that are currently available from FAST. (In AeroDyn, however, you can output the applied wind loads at various stations using the PRINT/NOPRINT option – see the AeroDyn User’s Guide for more information.) In FAST, the reaction loads within the blades and tower are available (at the blade sections or root and at the tower sections or base). You should be able to easily see the influence of the wave loads in the tower reaction loads.
By the way: You shouldn’t have to disable the torque and pitch controllers. See the forum topic found here for my answer to a related question: FAST.
Best regards,