I have been working for a period trying to reduce the loads on Hywind OC3 using a Tuned Mass Damper with the FAST TMD module. I see from the TMD Module references that Lackner et al found a 10% reduction in the load for their setup and I also found a poster (“Can Tuned Mass Dampers help reduce wind turbine vibration”) where they show up to 45% reduction with multiple Tuned Mass Dampers tuned to different frequencies.
I am working on a novel Tuned-Mass-Damping-like damping system where the damper introduce no gravity and I can have huge reaction masses. I have thus removed the gravity from the source code (a_G_O (3) =0) and recompiled the TMD-module for OpenFAST. In similar dry applications you would expect above 90% reduction of stress for such mass ratios that I am using, but I can barely see a change when tuning based on free decay response and previous optimization for Tuned Mass Dampers. I am mostly focusing on the moments generated in the tower base and extract statistics from both time and frequency domain data for runs at 2500 s with stationary wind and turbulent waves at 0/45/90 degrees.
FAST gets instable (see below) when I go above about 4 000 000 kg as a reaction mass attached to the tower base (CompTTMD) using the gravity free damper. Could this be due to numerical issues such as accumulator overflows or division by zero? I am using double point precision.
Does anyone have experience with the Tuned Mass Damper module in FAST and what can be expected of load/stress reduction? Anyone with experience for Hywind OC3?
[code] Warning: Turning off Unsteady Aerodynamics due to high angle-of-attack. BladeNode = 5, Blade = 1
Warning: Turning off Unsteady Aerodynamics due to high angle-of-attack. BladeNode = 6, Blade = 1
Warning: Turning off Unsteady Aerodynamics due to high angle-of-attack. BladeNode = 7, Blade = 1
Warning: Turning off Unsteady Aerodynamics due to high angle-of-attack. BladeNode = 7, Blade = 2
Warning: Turning off Unsteady Aerodynamics due to high angle-of-attack. BladeNode = 8, Blade = 2
Warning: Turning off Unsteady Aerodynamics due to high angle-of-attack. BladeNode = 9, Blade = 2
Warning: Turning off Unsteady Aerodynamics due to high angle-of-attack. BladeNode = 17, Blade = 3
Warning: Turning off Unsteady Aerodynamics due to high angle-of-attack. BladeNode = 18, Blade = 3
Warning: Turning off Unsteady Aerodynamics due to high angle-of-attack. BladeNode = 19, Blade = 3
FAST_Solution:FAST_AdvanceStates:AD_UpdateStates:BEMT_UpdateStates(node 9, blade
2):BEMT_UnCoupledSolve:There is no valid value of phi for these operating conditions: Vx =
5.5459, Vy = -49.58, rlocal = 28.14, theta = 0.13665, geometric phi = 3.0302
FAST_Solution:CalcOutputs_And_SolveForInputs:SolveOption2:AD_CalcOutput:BEMT_CalcOutput(node 16,
blade 1):Compute_UA_AirfoilCoefs:UA_CalcOutput:Mach number exceeds 1.0. Equations cannot be