I need to make a comparison between the Fast v7 model of a wind turbine for the parameter “TTDSpFA” and the Equivalent Adams model.
I have to make this comparison in Simulink.
To export the simulink model from the Adams one I need to define input and output variables. So I need to use an output variabile in Adams that is equivalent to “TTDSpFA” parameter in Fast v7. I thought that this variable could be the DISTANCE ALONG Z from the marker “TowerTopToTwrSecBelow_M” and “TwrBaseToTwrSec01_M”. But i obtain different result( 10^-4 (m) in fast and 10^-3(m) in Adams). Is it ok in your opinion to use DISTANCE ALONG Z from the marker “TowerTopToTwrSecBelow_M” and “TwrBaseToTwrSec01_M” to obtain an equivalent parameter of “TTDSpFA”?
I also tried to use de distance along z from “TowerTopToTwrSecBelow_M” and a marker that is initially coincident with this on the Ground part, but the difference is the same .
I have another question regarding Adams model obtained from Fast v7. If i use “FAStTunr” in Tower file different from 1.0 will the .adm file be different from the one that I obtain with 1.0 coefficients?
I have made a comparison between the two .adm file and I have noticed differences in C matrix for tower sections. Is it right?
As stated in the FAST v7 documentation (nwtc.nrel.gov/system/files/FAST.pdf), the fore-aft and side-to-side tower stiffness tuners (FAStTunr and SSStTunr) will not have any impact on the FAST-generated ADAMS model.
Hi every body.
I ran fast v7 that generate adams model for me. then I add my actuator top of 5mw tower. now I want control my actuator in simulink but so many errors is happened. could you please help me and say the best version of fast and adams and matlab is required for this case?
I’m not really familiar with the compatibility of FAST-generated ADAMS models to various versions of ADAMS. It is has been a long time since NREL supported FAST-generated ADAMS models. Our last release of ADAMS2AD used MSC.ADAMS 2008R1: nwtc.nrel.gov/ADAMS2AD. Feel free to use this software, but I doubt NREL can offer much support.
Sorry, but I’m not sure I understand your question. What do you mean by a “preprocess”? What type of tower-top actuator do you have? Is FAST/OpenFAST (perhaps with some customization of the source code) not suitable for your purpose?
Dear Jason;
something like Adams that coupled with fast and has ability to add everything that I want.
My actuator is a one kind of TMD. that is not exist in fast and openfast. the best soft is adams for me but I can so many problem with it. for example I can made adams model with msc adams 2008r3 but it cant work with simulink. in earlier version of adams , fast cant generate adams model.
best regards
Well, I guess I have three choices:
(1) Change the FAST/OpenFAST source code as needed to consider your TMD-type actuator.
(2) Figure out how to get your model to work in MSC.ADAMS.
(3) Use a software entirely different than FAST/OpenFAST or MSC.ADAMS.
Dear Jason;
I think linking adams and simulink waste my time so I think I have to change my senario. I want to add my actuator in Fast could you please say how to do it?
Best regard