Hello Everyone,
I’m trying to set up a turbine simulation for a ~2.7MW turbine in FAST_v8.08.00c-bjj. To test the controls, i tried using the provided Test18.fst test case. I’m trying to change the torque-speed look-up table in the file NRELOffshrBsline5MW_Onshore_ServoDyn.dat file, but on running fast, i’m getting the same output as before. Following are my inputs to the ServoDyn file (PCMode is 5), with additional values of the torque-speed, and the updated values of variables:
When i run the simulation, the output is the same as with the original values. Am i missing some specification here? Do i necessarily need to recompile FAST / Discon.dll for using a different torque-speed curve?
Thanks for help
Jasvipul Chawla
---------------------- BLADED INTERFACE ----------------------------------------
"ServoData\DISCON_win32.dll" DLL_FileName - Name/location of the dynamic library {.dll [Windows] or .so [Linux]} in the Bladed-DLL format (-) [used only with Bladed Interface]
0 NacYaw_North - Reference yaw angle of the nacelle when the upwind end points due North (deg) [used only with Bladed Interface]
0 Ptch_Cntrl - Record 28: Use individual pitch control {0: collective pitch; 1: individual pitch control} (switch) [used only with Bladed Interface]
0 Ptch_SetPnt - Record 5: Below-rated pitch angle set-point (deg) [used only with Bladed Interface]
0 Ptch_Min - Record 6: Minimum pitch angle (deg) [used only with Bladed Interface]
0 Ptch_Max - Record 7: Maximum pitch angle (deg) [used only with Bladed Interface]
0 PtchRate_Min - Record 8: Minimum pitch rate (most negative value allowed) (deg/s) [used only with Bladed Interface]
0 PtchRate_Max - Record 9: Maximum pitch rate (deg/s) [used only with Bladed Interface]
0 Gain_OM - Record 16: Optimal mode gain (Nm/(rad/s)^2) [used only with Bladed Interface]
750 GenSpd_MinOM - Record 17: Minimum generator speed (rpm) [used only with Bladed Interface]
1200 GenSpd_MaxOM - Record 18: Optimal mode maximum speed (rpm) [used only with Bladed Interface]
1060 GenSpd_Dem - Record 19: Demanded generator speed above rated (rpm) [used only with Bladed Interface]
26000 GenTrq_Dem - Record 22: Demanded generator torque above rated (Nm) [used only with Bladed Interface]
2756000 GenPwr_Dem - Record 13: Demanded power (W) [used only with Bladed Interface]
---------------------- BLADED INTERFACE TORQUE-SPEED LOOK-UP TABLE -------------
9 DLL_NumTrq - Record 26: No. of points in torque-speed look-up table {0 = none and use the optimal mode parameters; nonzero = ignore the optimal mode PARAMETERs by setting Record 16 to 0.0} (-) [used only with Bladed Interface]
GenSpd_TLU GenTrq_TLU
(rpm) (Nm)
750 0
760 3350
774 4488
872 10000
1033 19084
1051 26000
1060 26000
1080 25514
1160 23739