Dear @Jason.Jonkman
In my understanding,
PitchAxis = Fraction of chord from leading edge to pitch axis;
and the local blade span outputs from ElastoDyn (SpniMLzb1, SpniFLxb1, SpniFLyb1, SpniFLzb1; i=1-17) lie along the pitch axis ;
that is to say: the local blade span outputs from ElastoDyn for structure analysis nodes (1-17) lie on the range from 0.253chord to 0.375chord, at the blade span from 1.809m to 59.691m, right?
But in your post dated Jan 28, 2011 in the following forum topic: NREL 5MW Rotor Geometry, I find the given values of PitchAxis are from 0.5chord to 0.375chord.
