Status of IEA-22-280-RWT

I was wondering what the status is of the model for the IEA-22-280-RWT in the Github repository. Can it be used in its current form?
thanks in advance and best,

The model on the 22-MW repository are “pre-release”. Meaning, they are there for review by the IEA Task 37 partners, but may still be undergoing frequent and significant changes. We do not recommend them for use by the broader community yet. We are targeting an official release in the early fall (4-6 months from now).

Hello Duncan,
the model can be used, but it would be best to wait a few more weeks. In the branch design_round1 NREL has redesigned the drivetrain and will soon add a new floater. In parallel, DTU is tuning the blade structural design. Lastly, I see some discrepancies between the monopile described in an internal report at DTU and the monopile described in the yaml file. I believe there is an error somewhere. We’ll iterate with DTU to fix it.
All this said, the rotor aerodynamic design is completed, and the macro parameters of the design are frozen (diameter, hub height, rotor speed, etc).
The goal is to finalize the design over the summer and have a draft report by September.
Best regards,

Dear @Pietro.Bortolotti

First of all, I appreciate the community’s contributions to making a new state-of-the-art 22 MW model.

If you don’t mind, I am wondering if the semi-submersible type is also developing.

For the 15 MW model, I have seen that there was a 4-month gap between the reference wind turbine model and the semi-submersible type model, according to the technical report release date.

Best regards,

Hello Sangwon.Lee,
NREL has been doing the design of the semi-sub floater (not U Maine like in the IEA15), so we expect a tighter timeline. Next week we should be able to push a first design of the floater.
I hope this helps.

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Dear @Pietro.Bortolotti

Thank you for your kind reply.

Have a nice day!

Best regards,

Dear @Pietro.Bortolotti

Pursuing the above discussion, could you please give us an update of the IEA-22MW RWT and with the associated floating platform ?
I can see on github different progress, is there any target date for a report describing this ?

Best regards,

Hello Vincent,
the overall design of the IEA22 turbine and floater has not changed over the past months. The heavy traffic on GitHub of the last days is focused on some details of the blade design. Aeroelastic solvers disagree on the aeroelastic stability of the rotor, and we are working hard to find a compromise that makes everyone involved happy. We do not anticipate changes to the rest of turbine or to the floater.
A technical report is in preparation and is planned to be published sometime in winter 2024.
I hope this helps.